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I read letter after letter, all of them about how my dad's condition is worsening. How my mom needs me to come back home.

After reading all 37 of them, I began getting seriously frustrated. There was no way this was all happening to me. Not now. Why now?

I'm finally happy and my mom wants me to go back to the hell part of California.

"There's no way this shit is happening to me" I say placing my face in my hands.

"What's happening to you?" Chris says, standing at the door.

"Oh nothing, just...stuff...with my mom"

"You wanna talk about it?" He sits next to me

The scoot over to allow him more space, he was probably going to be next to me for a little bit of time

"My...my mom wants me to move back home"

I felt him begin to stare, and I kinda felt bad. Because he knew I was considering it, and we both knew how happy I am while living here. 

At first I knew I didn't want to tell him because I was scared. I don't know what for. I was just scared.

I ended up telling him everything, I even had him read some of the letters.

By the time I had finished explaining, nick and Matt had joined us and knew the whole thing aswell.

"Are you gonna go?" Matt asks me.

To be honest, I had no answer for it. I had no idea what I was going to do.

"Well, if I go, then I won't come back to Somerville...if I don't go, I don't get to say goodbye" I think for a long time

It was silent in the room, the boys were waiting for me to decide. And I had.

"Maybe I'll just go see my dad. Go to California for a week and that's it. Say goodbye to him and then come back here" I say. That was the best idea I could come up with.

"You sure?" Nick asks, getting ready to call Laura.

I nod my head, finalizing my decision.

Nick steps out to talk with Laura, Matt and Chris get up to get their things packed for another week in LA.

TIME SKIP [Presented to you by Chris's yellow bandana]

We had finally made it to LA, Laura and Madi picked us up and drove everyone else to Madi's house. Then she drove me to my parents house.

During the drive she asked me a few questions

"Do you plan to move back here?"

"Im not sure yet, I've been living with the triplets, and I enjoy it so much, but my mom says she needs help with my father's condition." I respond politely

"If you do, by chance, your welcome to come to our house any time. You know where we live, and you and Madi get along really well" Laura smiles over at me.

The rest of the ride was silent, at times she would reassure me, because I guess I looked highly stressed in the car. After all, I was really stressed.

When we pulled up to my parents house. I got out of the car and thanked her.

"Call me if you ever need anything, sweetie" she says, I nod and thank her again before she drove away.

I turned around to see the house that I used to reside in.

I stepped up to the door, dreading everything. I went to knock on the door,  but I hesitated.

I finally caved and knocked on the door.

Then my mom opened the door.


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