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The next morning I woke up full if energy, despite not being able to contain my excitement and sleep last night.

"Someone's got energy this morning" Laura says to me as i walk in the kitchen as she makes breakfast.

At dinner last night I got to know a lot more about Laura. She is insanely generous to me, I can tell she cares about the boys a lot.

Ever since I got here, she's treated me like she's known me forever. I appreciated it a lot. She was like a mom I never got.

Seeing other kids with their moms hurt me, because I never got that experience. Mary Lou and Laura are helping fix that hole.

"Yeah, excited to be on this trip, thanks so much for having me" I say

"Of course, sweetie" she smiles at me.

I decide to help her out with breakfast by cleaning up the table and the dishes for more space for her to work with.

We ended up talking so much more and connecting even more.

By the time breakfast was finished, I felt like I knew Laura completely.

Everyone had woken up and rushed into the kitchen at the smell of food.

"Goodmorning, everyone" Laura says placing paper plates on the table.

"Morning" everyone responded.

"Today we wanna go see Elmer, is that alright Laura?" Chris asks.

I look at Laura to see what she says. If I asked my mom where I wanted to go, she would tell me she didn't give a shit.

Laura nodded her head and said that was a fun idea.

"I can drop you guys off at his house and pick you guys up when you need" she offers.

After breakfast I helped clean up a little more before going to go shower and change to go meet Elmer.

Chris had told me about him before, I also knew him from their YouTube channel.

I was in my room doing my hair when Matt came in and asked if I was almost ready.

"Yeah...hey do you think I should call him, Mr. Pleit?" I ask, boldly.

"No, that sounds weird. Just call him Elmer. Once you guys get to know eachother I think you two will get along nicely" Matt says before leaving the room

I was only a little bit scared to meet Elmer, because he was getting kinda famous.

I pushed all my thoughts aside, fixed my hair and we left.

"Ok who's taking the AUX?" Chris asks.

Nick asks for it but is quickly shut down by Matt.

"Nah kid your music is ass sometimes" Matt laughs. He takes the aux and begins to play all the right kinds of music.

The whole car ride we sang and rapped songs. Poor Laura, having to deal with these weirdos all the time.

The car ride was shorter than I had expected. When the car pulled over, there was a guy, who I assumed was Elmer, standing in the yard.

"What's up you guys!" The guy said

"What's up Elmer" Matt says.

"Who's this?" Elmer walks up to me, holding out a hand.

"Im y/n, nice to meet you Elmer" I shake his hand.

I had to think before I spoke because I almost called him Mr. Pleit. But I didn't.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Ms. Y/n" He smiles before turning around and leading everyone inside the house.

We wave goodbye to Laura, and she drives away

Ms. Y/n...sounds nice, would look good on a plaque or a name plate.

"Alright" Elmer begins " what do we wanna do while you guys are here"

Everyone shrugged. We eventually just did stupid shit around his house.

Madi and I had to make sure the boys didn't break anything because they would get insanely reckless at times.

We spend 90 percent of the day there at his house playing games, recording fake songs and making ugly ass music videos.

Until Laura Came and picked us all up and brought us back to La Casa Del Camino, where we decided to get doordash.

"So, did you get to know Elmer today?" Matt asks me as we eat

"Yeah, a little. He's fun to be around, that's for sure" I laugh

Everyone agrees before we continue eating.

I couldn't sleep again that night so I set up a movie in the living room and atw some snacks. During the beginning of the movie I heard someone behind me.

"Oh my God, I love tangled!" Madi whisper screams before she sits on the other couch and begins watching along.

By the time we got to the middle of the movie, everyone was in the living room watching Tangled.

Once the movie ended, we all talked and joked around before collectively deciding to have a sleepover in the living room that night.

It was stupid but fun. God, I loves this group of people.


Sorry if this one felt rushed, I was rushing to write it because I forgot to do today's daily upload lol.

Hope you guys like it!

Thanks for 4.29k reads!!!!!

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