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It had been almost a whole week of Chris not talking to me at all. It was weird and it caused me to have many breakdowns in my room.

I decided that I would go out for myself today. I have no college prep to do anyway, so might aswell.

I told nick I was going out, grabbed my car keys, and went out.

I went to a few places. I even got a few new room decor things to help my room not look so sad and depressing.

While I was shopping in a target in the clothes section I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Turning my head slowly, I see Lucy which Carmella and Luke holding hands behind her. Luke immediately let's go of her hand, causing him to earn a glare from Carmella.

I immediately hug Lucy

"Holy shit! I haven't seen you guys in forever" I smile.

I hug Carmella next.

"How've you been?" I ask. Hoping for a good answer.

"Good! And you?" She asks as I hug Luke

"Meh" I shrug

"Can we talk about it over lunch? Us four?" Carmella suggests

"Right now?" I ask

She shakes her head, yes.

"Ok! Yeah let's do it!" I say before getting ready to leave.

Chris POV

Y/n had left to go somewhere, and I had remeber that Nick had borrowed my airpods and left them in y/n's room.

When I went to go get them, they were next to a list looking thing.

I was y/n's and it wasn't my business. But when I caught a glimpse of what was on the sheet I couldn't believe it.

She had wrote almost 3 pages worth of ways she thought she could apologize to me. I felt guilty a little. When she came home a week ago and she apologized, I said nothing to her and I just left her room.

I thought about it for a little longer then I saw a picture of our first little "date" when I took her to dinner at McDonald's.

It was the first picture we had ever taken together.

I realized I was ready to talk to her about it. All I had to do was wait for her to come home.


After lunch with Carmella and them, I went home to unpack all the things I had bought with the money my mom had forced me to take. Good to know she was good for something.

When I got my things unpacked I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in"

When I turn to look, I expected Nick or Matt. But it was Chris.

I turned back around to get a quick look at my list of ways to apologize. I sunny get a good enough look so I had to go with whatever came to mind.

As soon as I turned around I prepared myself to cut him off and spill all of my feelings out


"Chris I'm so sorry" I turn around to face him "I'm such an idiot for not responding that night when you told me how you felt. I was going to say something but I knew how hard it would be how me to since i was leaving, so I didn't say anything and I didn't know but I realized how much i hurt your feelings."

Now I was crying... Ofcourse

"I wanted to tell you, that night in LA but I was so scared I would ruin such a perfect friendship. If I had known you felt the same way I would have said something that night. Chris I'm so sorr-"

I couldn't see much from all my tears but I felt him hug me. I obviously hugged him back. 

Then I began to think about my scholarship that i lost because of my mom.

"Chris, I lost my scholarship"

He pulls away and looks in my red puffy eyes

"What? How?"

"My dad was never dying, my parents lied to get me to stay with them. While I was living with them I unenrolled from college because I planned to live with my parents...and I lost the scholarship"

"Y/n" He said before pulling me in for another hug this time it was tighter. He knew how much it meant to me. I loved that.

"It's gonna be ok" He reassured me. "This means you can stay with us forever and make YouTube videos with us forever until we all die"

"That sounds amazing" I laugh

Then Nick and Matt open the door and join in on the hug.

"Where you guys listening through the door?" I ask

"...yeah" Nick says before laughing.

We all give one big synchronized squeeze-hug before letting go.

"Thank you guys so so much"

I smile at them. They all give me one back

"Of course, y/n. We care about you so much" Nick replies

"Can we do that whole hug thingy again?" Matt asks (Jatp reference...sorry)

We all laugh and hug one more time.

Thank God for these people. Without them, life would be so much harder.

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