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I woke up to the smell of coffee and food. My alarm didn't wake me up though

Shit. What time is it?!

ALMOST 10:30??!

The triplets were gonna pick me up at 10!

I run out of my room I see Carmella

"CARMELLA IM LATE" I sat storming down the hallway to the kitchen

She smiles as I turn my head to see 3 boys sitting on our new couch. Along with Lucy and Luke.

When did they get here?!

How do they have our address?

"I have Carmella's number, she gave me your address" Matt said smiling due to my reaction. He must have read my mind.

I stood there laughing at myself for being an idiot. I shrugged

"I need to shower, I'll be ready in 25 minutes" I say before turning back to my room

Chris's POV

We surprised y/n because she woke up late and we were waiting on her, Matt had Carmella's number so she gave us their address and we hung out here for 30 minutes with Carmella Lucy and Luke.

I really like the home setting they have, even though a they haven't settled in completely. There's a vibe I'm really liking.

For the past few days I feel like I'm expanding my friend group. I realized I get along with Luke pretty well, he connect on certain levels.

I think I saw a small moment when Matt and Carmella gave eachother a bit of a glance, but I could just be imagining.

At home, everytime I brought y/n up for anything. Matt and Nick would give eachother a look.

They would always say the same thing

"We know you like her, dude"

No matter what I said or how much I defended myself, they wouldn't let it go.

I knew they wouldn't let go unless I told them I like her.

Which I don't, at least I don't think I do.

Sure, she's nice. She's funny. She's pretty laid back. She's chill. She's...pretty.

I would never tell her that though, I've only known her for less than a week. It would be weird to confess feelings that might not be 100% true.

Everytime we've hung out Matt would point things out to me, yeah it pisses me off but sometimes it brings me comfort.

When we were throwing that stupid party for alahna out of boredom and
y/n and I were having a battle, we got home afterwards and that was the only thing Nick and Matt wanted to talk about.

They were like:

"You guys got along so well"
"You guys are so cute"
"I know she likes you"

Sometimes they are like little kids, even though I can be a little kid at times too.

My hope is that we become closer friends and get to know her more so that by the end of the summer or by the end of the year maybe we can start getting...closer.

Alahna once told me that I was acting different around her, and while it was probably true it was probably only because i didn't know her and I was being respectful.

Hypothetically, if I were to tell her how I feel. Only 3 things could happen:

1. She says something that hints she doesn't feel the same and then she stops talking to me


2. She says she isn't sure or that she has her eyes on someone else.


3. She says she feels the same and she wants to start talking

I feel like the first one would hurt a little.

What makes me sure that I think I like her is that my mind is hoping that she chooses 3. It becomes an immediate hope.

I would never openly admit any of this stuff, if I were to verbalize any of it, someone would think I like her.

And I do. I think I do.

For now, I respect her. I won't change the way I act around her, that's weird. It sounds cliché but I'm just gonna be myself.

"You done day dreaming Chris?" Nick raises his eyebrows at me.

I guess I was in my thoughts for a while because y/n was standing behind me.

I got scared by her standing there and she laughed at me.

Her smile, she has a nice smile. Her laugh wasn't loud but it was loud enough that i was able to hear it.

It wasn't high pitched either. It sounded like her voice. It's nice.

"Are you ready to go?" She says after laughing

I nod my head and stand up.

I, of course, thank Carmella for letting us stay for a little bit before leaving.

We all leave to go out to the car. Ofcourse Nick ran ahead of me and stole the front seat.

So, I was stuck in the back with y/n, which isn't bad but it makes me feel some sort of...nervous.

I was about to spend the whole day with her, hopefully that would help me get to know more about her.

"Hey, Matt if at any time you want me to drive, I can" she says looking at him thought the rear view mirror.

He turns his head to look at her.

"Ok, thank you, y/n" he smiles at her.

She smiles back

No, I'm not jealous. I don't get jealous.

This was going to be a long day.


As soon as we got into the car I offered Matt that I could drive if he ever needed me to.

He looked back at me and smiled while saying

"Ok, thank you, y/n"

I smile back.

I notice, Chris had a certain look on his face. Just like how Luke did when Carmella accused me of liking Chris.

This was going to be a long day.

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now