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Entry #4

  Today is the 4th of July. And damn, nick couldn't wait for today. He had our whole day planned out. He woke us all up, including Madi because she was staying here again, at 7 am because 'we had so much to do'. When he woke us all up he told us his plan for the day then proceeded to talk about how he wanted the day to go. Nick was funny like that. He liked having things planned out, I wasn't sure If that was by choice of if he really just hated having a spontaneous life. The day started with ice cream in the car and filming our reactions to new flavors. Then we went to a parade that was about 7 hours long, we almost stayed for the whole thing bit we all got super hungry so we left. After all of that we stopped at a parking garage and parked at the all the way top to see all the fireworks, those went on for maybe 3 hours. By the time we got home it was about 11 o clock. We all went to our rooms, and fell straight asleep after a great 4th of July.

[BTW happy 4th of July to everyone who celebrates it!]

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now