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Hello y/n,

I almost didn't know you left. The house had been so quiet, I wondered what you could have possibly been doing that was so silent. When I checked your room, all your things were gone. I knew this was going to happen, I knew you'd move out due to the way your father and I treated you. What I didn't expect was for you to move to Massachusetts. Somerville is a small city, still a lot of people. I'm writing this letter to tell you some heartbreaking news. Your father is dying, he was diagnosed with a terminal disease. The doctors said that he won't make it to August, September at most. I want you to be able to say goodbye to him before it's too late, I'm going to need help here in California once he passes. What I'm asking is if you would please move back to California. Once he's gone going to need help planning the funeral and everything, and I can't do that all on my own.I know this is a hard thing for you. I want you to pursue your dreams, I really do, but I need you. Your father needs you. You seem happy in Somerville, with those 3 boys. I don't want to beg you to come home and leave behind all the friends you've made in Somerville, but you need to come home. It's been too long and without you, our family isn't complete. Sweetheart please, for the sake of your father, please come home.


I dropped the letter to the ground. Carmella stood and watched my reaction.

"She wants me to move back to California" I say through my teeth

"What?!" Carmella stands up

I felt a tear fall down my cheek. There was no way she put me through all the hurt and pain then send me a letter thinking that it was going to fix me and make me come crawling back.

I was in utter shock with the fact that my dad was dying and my mom was using it as a way to guilt trip me into coming home. That was suck and twisted of her.

I still had a tote bag full of notes she had sent me. It would probably take me a few hours to get through all them. Then another few hours to process it all.

I grabbed my tote bag and thanked Carmella.

"Stay a little longer, I'll make some coffee or something-" she begins

"Nah, it's ok, Carmella. These notes are about to take up a lot of time that I am really gonna need. I don't want to wait forever to read them" I smile at her "thank you for the offer"

I left the home that used to be mine and drove to the new one that made me feel much more happy and welcome.

I opened the front door with the key that Mary Lou had given me.

I dumped all the letters out of the tote bag and arranged them in the order of the days she sent them.

She had put the dates on the envelope which made it easier to know what order to put them in.

When everything was layed out and set in the right order I prepared myself to begin reading.

I grabbed some snacks and drinks. I placed my phone on do not disturb and began reading the letters.


I did not intent on putting this part out so late (sorryyy) but I hope you enjoyed it. I'll have another part out tommorow <3


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