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It took the boys more than 24 hours to get back to Massachusetts.

I gre impatient so I facetimed Chris while he was on the plane, of course he was sitting in the window seat, Matt in the middle and Nick on the end. Nick grabs the phone from Chris.

"Y/n can we come to your house as soon as we are back in town?" Nick whispers to the phone

"Of course, what time are you guys going to get here?"

"Probably in the morning, we have about another hour left on the flight, but there's no way to tell how full the airport is." Matt also whispers, he was usually the one to think things like this out, Matt was good for that kind if stuff.

After all it was almost 4am. They had to board a late and last minute plane.

"Ok that's fine. Just call me when you get here" I say as Chris take the phone back.

"Ok, y/n. Well see you soon, love you" Chris says

"Love You too" I say waving in the camera.

After Chris hung up I decided, it's already 4 am. No point in sleeping now.

I got up and made a pot of coffee, I was going to need it.

I was basically home alone.

Carmella and Luke left that night to go look for interior stuff for the apartment. But they ended up staying at a hotel because the busses stopped running after a certain time and I didn't feel like going to go get them.

Lucy was asleep, I had nothing to do except for fix the house. A lot of our furniture was in the basement of the building.

Might aswell

It took me 3 hours to get everything out of the basement and make the house all pretty for when the boys came.

A new corner desk, a lot of shelving I had to install, a new rocking chair and a love sac.

I was surprised it all even fit in our apartment.

By the time I had finished, lucy had just woken up.

"Oh my God! What the hell happened?" She says rubbing her eyes as if she was waiting for it to be a dream.

"I had nothing to do with my morning so I brought all of our furniture up" I say, sipping my 3rd cup of coffee. "The boys are on their way, they wanted to come by and hang out"

"Ooo! Ok!" She says plopping onto the love sac.

"Im gonna freshen up, if the boys get here let them know I'm showering" I say placing my empty cup in the sink, even though eventually Carmella would torture me into washing it.

"Ok" she says, turning on the TV.

I had to be in and out of the shower incase the boys got here or in case Carmella and Luke came back.

My mind instantly began to think of what they might have been doing in their alone time.

I had ways seen how Luke looks at Carmella but I could always be wrong, maybe I was just seeing things. But there had to be some form of tension between them.

My quick shower lasted less than 10 minutes. As much as I loved long relaxing showers, I hadn't realized how that affected the bills.

Of course all 4 of us had jobs in LA, so we had some money. But we had to find jobs here or else we weren't going to be able to keep up with our rent and our bills.

As soon as I got myself dressed in some sweats and an old hoodie, I walked into the living room and recieved a call from Chris.

I smiled and answered the phone.

"We are pulling into the lot right now" He says pointing the camera to my window.

I laugh and say "ok" before he hangs up and I hear sprinting up the steps and a knock on the door.

I open the door with a smile on my face

"Y/N!!!!" Chris hugs me. Exactly what I wanted

"What's up, y/n...hey, lucy" Matt hugs me next.

Nick squeezes past Matt to embrace me in a hug aswell.

"Hey guys! How was LA!" I ask forgetting that I used to live there and that Chris had already told my everything about their trip over face time

"You know-" was all Matt said

I mean, I did know.

The 5 of us played just dance, Uno and managed to complete a game of Scrabble (its a word game for anyone who doesn't know) before Carmella and Luke came back home.

Carmella busted the door open at the sound if laughter.

Luke's face showed that he had unexpected them here and that he wasn't really very happy with them here.

Carmella's face was a little bit of the same, but I'm pretty sure it was because of the furniture.

"Hey guys!" I say, smiling at Carmella. Gesturing for her to come over and hang out.

She shot me a look back saying "what are they doing here"

So I gave her a look saying, "I let them come over, you were gone."

Although I was sure she didn't get the last one because she chuckled and walked into the kitchen.

I brushed it off, she wasn't here so I invited some people. It's no big deal, or maybe she wasn't mad at me for inviting them. Maybe Luke had told her something.

In my mind I shrugged, I couldn't care less, the triplets were back and that's all that really mattered to me at the time.

They stayed almost the whole day. And we never went for dinner because everyone was too tired.

But it was fun, lucy left in the middle of our game of monopoly, so it was just me and the boys.

During our game we had a conversation about how they wanted to film a car video with me. I remembered that I had agreed to that previously.

So when Matt brought the question back up, I decided, why not.

"Sure, I'll film a car video with you guys. Only once though" I say, I can't say I didn't want the fame. I did, I just didn't want to have to give up being able to be in public spaces without being swarmed by people.

I doubted the triplets went through that, but I still didn't want to risk it.

The boys went home at about 5 pm.

I waved and said goodbye while Matt started the car.

Chris hops out of the car after saying something to Matt. He runs up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"I'll call you in the morning, love you" Chris says.

I hug him back. Once I let go he runs back to the car like a little kid who got a piece of candy.

I smile as they drive off.

Dammit, I knew I was going to start crushing on him. What the fuck am I gonna do?

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