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I felt my phone ringing when i woke up the next morning. It was a text from an unknown number, but I could guess it was Chris because the first text message sent was:

Hey, this is Chris
Y/n right?

Yeah, how'd you get my number lol

Alahna gave it to me


She also gave it to Nick and Matt


Alahna and I actually thought it would be cool if we all hung out again, maybe today or tommorow

Sure I'll let you know

After texting Chris, I realized that maybe I did find him attractive at times and maybe did I like the way his hair is and how he-

"Are you done daydreaming?" Carmella leans on my door frame

"Yes" I roll my eyes "and I wasn't daydreaming, I was thinking"

"Yeah right, did Alahna text you?" She asks me

"Uh lemme check" I turn my phone on and see a recent text from her "Yeah, I got a text from her"

"What does it say?"

"She wants to hang out either today or tommorow, which is exactly what Chris said over text a few minutes ago" I responded

"You have Chris's number already? That's cute!" She begins to tease

"No! Not like that, dummy. We're friends that's all we are ever gonna be" I say back

"Geez alright, we have to go grocery shopping later. Wanna come?"

"Not really" I hate shopping for food, mainly because Carmella is so picky, because her produce has to be perfect.

"It wasn't an invite, you're the only one that can drive"

She leaves my room and I'm left alone again with my thoughts. I glance at the time, only 10:36. I should get ready.

I leave my room and find Carmella

"Im gonna teach you how to drive" I say


"Yes, let's go. LUKE LUCY, LETS GO!"

Soon we were in the car, I had invited the triplets, I needed Matt's help because he too knew how to drive.

Apparently, Chris and Nick had their permits but they were still learning to drive

"Ok" Matt instructs " turn the car on, and put the car in drive"

Slowly, Carmella does so. The car is now in drive.

"Ok, now gently step on the gas. The car is going to move forward so don't freak out"

"I know how a car works, genius" Carmella mumbles, causing me to laugh a little

She slowly steps on the gas and the car slowly begins moving. Freaking out she steps on the gas harder causing the car to move faster.

"OK, STEP ON THE BRAKE" Matt and I yell

She slams on the break causing us to lunge forward in the car, thank God for seat belts.

"Ok, this isn't a good idea with a car full of people" I say

"No shit!" Carmella yells back

Matt switches seats with Carmella and I let him drive wherever he wanted. Everyone debated where we were going to go for about 10 minutes until Matt started driving.

"Oh! Let's go to target" Nick suggests

"For what?" I laugh

Nick shrugs and says

"I dunno, we should have a little party for no reason"

"Actually, that's a good idea" Luke chimes in

We end up at target and we get out of the car.

"Wait, what is this for again" I ask our of pure curiosity

"Um, for fun" Lucy laughs

I shrug looking around at everyone, we all divide and look for party stuff.

We didn't get much, just some party plates, streamers, napkins, snacks, drinks, and a cake.

"We should throw the party for Alahna and not tell her at all" i say

"Oh, that's a good idea, she's at work right now but I have her spare key" Nick says

We snuck over to Alahna's house and we set everything up. As we are setting things up, Chris, nick and I began forming a bit of a war.

It started when they threw streamers at me, then I did the same to them. After a while Nick got tired of messing around, so it was just me and Chris.

It began to go back and forth between the two of us. I was having too much fun, i wasn't able to hear Lucy say to Luke:

"They are so cute"

Luke's response was just nodding his head.

Since we were little, Luke was never very fond of me dating or hanging out with guys because "they were bad"

I definitely didn't listen to him, all my sisters friends were guys. I was used to it.

When the war was dead, we waited for alahna, all the lights were off and everything was where they were supposed to be.

She opened the door and she came in unexpectedly walking into the living room. We all jumped out at her at the same time and scared her.

In the end we all ate cake and snacks and watched a couple of old 80s/90s movies.

"Thank you guys for whatever this is" Alahna laughs

We all laugh too, there really wasn't a point of the party, i guess we were just bored.

I catch myself looking around at the group of people sitting around me, I feel a rush of excitement because I feel like my life is about to be so much better than before.

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