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The next morning I woke up way earlier than I usually do, I was motivated to do something that day instead of laying in bed.

The past few days have been the best days since I was younger.

Carmella walks in the kitchen a few seconds after I get there.

"Good morning, your up early?" Carmella eyes me.

"What about it? I'm just energized"

I could tell Carmella thought I was up to something

"Is it because you were hanging out with Chris yesterday" she teases me

I was getting tired of hearing Carmella and Lucy constantly talking about how they think I like Chris

I know they aren't going to let it go unless I tell them I like him, but I don't.

At least I don't think I do.

"You and Lucy need to hop off my ass, I don't like him. I met him this week!"

Sure, we started getting along really easily but we are still kinda like strangers to eachother.

I barely know his social background or anything.

I was starting to forget what I was thinking about until Lucy barged into the kitchen and said

"Y/n, you know your boyfriend is going viral, right?" I knew she was talking about Chris, there was no one else she would have been talking about.


"The triplets they are getting big on YouTube, how did you not know that?" She screams, showing me her phone

On her phone displayed multiple videos of the same 3 boys I had been hanging out with. They had a little over 1 million followers.

I didn't know they were famous

"Yeah. I knew they were famous" I lie

"No you didn't" Carmella scoffed

"I know" I shrug my shoulders

Ofcourse I hadn't known they were famous, all I knew was that I had to research now.

I walked to my room and grabbed my phone.

I turned it on and immediately got a text from Chris



I was thinking me and my brothers can show you something in town, it's by the college your going to

If you don't want to it's ok

No, I think it's a great idea! What time?

We can come pick you up at around 10

Cool, see you then!

I had to admit, I was excited. A day of just me and the triplets.

I wasn't excited because I knew that If I really were to do research on their YouTube channel I'd feel like they are famous and I'd become nervous around them.

I put my thoughts past me and opened YouTube on my laptop.

I searched up their last name and found a page, all three of them sitting in a car. Matt in the driver's seat (ofcourse), Chris next to him and Nick in the back.

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now