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The next two parts were requested by ross_steinv35. Their request really helped my writers block...so thanks to them! Lol

It was the last day of the trip and I couldn't be more sad about it.

"I promise I'll come visit you guys!" Madi says as we are all in one big hug.

We all laugh as we begin moving side to side while still hugging, like we were in a football huddle.

I was definitely going to miss Madi. She had become like a friend I never knew I needed in my life.

It was time to board the plane, I couldn't wait to see my friends again.

As much fun as I had on the trip. I missed the comfort of my own bed.

Time skip

The flight was delayed, so we got off the plane the next day in the afternoon. By the time i got back home it was dark.

I opened the door to the apartment and yelled

"IM HOOOOMMEE" I smile waiting for the 3 people to run out of their rooms.

No one came out of their room. Maybe they had gone somewhere.

I walked into Carmellas room with her present. She was sitting on her bed. She turned to look at me.

"What the hell y/n?" She asks me. She looked mad

"What? What did I do" I ask?

"You were supposed to be back yesterday morning! I've been calling you" she raises her voice.

"My phones dead!" I say

"Stop y/n. It's too much!" She says standing up. What the hell was she talking about.

"What's too much?"

"These boys, they're taking up too much of your time. You've hung out with them almost every single day since we moved to Somerville."

"That's not true-" she cuts me off

"Yes it is! You barely hang out with us. It's like you've disappeared or something. You've known them for a couple months and you've already been on a vacation with them! I mean who even are these people?!" She asks

"They're my friends"

"So were we" she says.

Lucy and Luke pop in the doorway behind me.

"What's going on?" Luke asks

"Y/n's choosing. It's us or them. Figure it out" she says pushing past me.

What the hell? I understand I was hanging out with them a lot but I didn't think it was that much of a problem.

Carmella said she wanted to move to get a fresh start for a better life. That's what I was doing. Now she's mad?

I sat in my room thinking for hours. She was making me choose between my 2 friend groups. That's a toxic thing to do, am I wrong?

Am I the toxic one? What the hell is going on. Why was she so mad that I found more friends. Is it jealousy? Or is it just being a bitch?

Lucy walks in and sits next to me. I don't pay any mind to her as to the fact I'm still upset.

"She's gonna make you choose" she says to me

"Why though? What did I do?"

I understand she sacrificed herself by moving to Somerville for me and all, but I told her not to. I said I was going to move in with alahna and I would have been fine. But she insisted over and over.

"Well, one...you missed her birthday. Two...she's right. You haven't slept in your own bed since last week"

"Because I was out of town!" I defend.

Why was she making me choose? That's stupid! I understand I missed her birthday but I still got her something. I still thought about her.

Carmella comes in with the same look on her face. The same look from when we sold her favorite toy in 5th grade.

"Did you pick yet? Because the sooner you pick the sooner you pick where you're living" she says

"What?!" Lucy and I say at the same time. I stand up from my bed.

I guess I forgot the part where she bought this apartment for us.

"Us or them" she waited for my answer.

"Im not answering that" I say. That was wrong.

Ok sure, maybe I did abandon them for the triplets but that is no reason to make someone choose between their friends

"Us or them?" She asked again.

I stayed silent. I wasn't going to choose.

"Fine I'll choose for you" she walked over to my closet. Rummaged through it  and pulled out my suitcases.

"Since you like your new friends so much...go live with them" she says, pushing the suitcases towards me.

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now