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"Hi Chris"

"Hi y/n"

Matt and Nick left the room immediately. I appreciated that but I was kinda nervous about being alone with Chris, he seemed like he still hated me

"Are you mad at me?"

He shrugged. He definitely looked hurt and like he didn't want to talk to me. That really made me feel like shit.

"Im sorry" I apologize.

Maybe my apology wasn't enough because he looked like he didn't really care. I'd never seen Chris like this but I could tell he definitely hated my guts

"If you don't wanna talk...don't talk" (quote from Moana lol) I say

"Chris I never meant to hurt your feelings"

He says nothing and just turns around to leave

I wanted to say something that would make him not leave, but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out.

I let him be, and I watched him leave.

I didn't know how I was going to apologize. So I layed in bed and though about it.

I'm a little stupid sometimes so I had to write it all down so that I wouldn't forget it later on

I also wrote on the bottom of the page exactly what the lady in the Uber had said to me that night when I rejected Chris:

"Trust me, whether you feel the same for that kid or not, you should find someone that you really care about, someone you know will always have your back no matter what. Even if something happened in the past"

By the time I was drained out of ideas of how to apologize properly I was asleep.

Chris POV

When she apologized I looked at her for a split second and I saw her sincerity. I would've said something but I couldn't, I wasn't ready. I just needed time, time to myself.

To me, the apology she had just given me was more than enough for me to forgive her, but I just wasn't ready.

When she didn't answer me, that night in the rain. I was so upset, it had taken me forever to build up the courage to tell her those words...those 3 stupid words.

And once I said them, she completely dismissed it. And ignored it. That hurt.

I cried about it to Nick but he was of no help, then I tried talking to Matt, but he had no idea how to help me.

I realized when I usually have problems, y/n was the one I would go to. And I one time I needed her the most, she wasn't there. Maybe if she had said something back I wouldn't have been in that position.

Even if she told me she didn't feel the same. Something. Anything would have been better that what she told me that night.


"I love you, and I have since we got to know eachother. I couldn't wait to tell you, I wanted to tell you every single night that we were alone together. And I regret not saying anything." I went silent "I just wanted to let you know"

I heard the Uber Honk behind her. She looks over her shoulder before looking me in the eyes.

I was hoping for a smile and a sentence that would change everything, or even just a small nod.

"Chris-" her tone was different, not a good different. "I'll fly back in a week or two to come pick up the rest of my things"

She turns on her heel and grabs her bags. I watch as she shoved everything into the trunk and hop in the passenger seat of the car.

End of flashback

Rethinking about that night made me want to cringe. When I watched her drive away, there was nothing in the world that would have made that kind of pain go away.

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