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"WAKE UP. OH MY GOD WAKE UP" Nick yelled jolting me awake

"What the fuck, nick" I open my eyes

I hear a loud laugh come from the other side of the room. I look around and see Matt and Chris laughing.

"Im sorry, it was Matt's idea" Nick hugs me

"Well now I'm awake" I laugh.

"Mom made breakfast, so hurry up" Chris says before they all leave my room

I liked how he didn't even bother to say 'Our mom', he just said mom

I got up and fixed my hair, washed my face and all that stuff before walking into the kitchen to see Mary Lou having a funny conversation with Nick while she fixes me a plate

"What if she's allergic to eggs? Did you ask her that? I'm not feeding it to her if she's allergic to something on this plate" Mary lou says

"Mom it's fine" Nick says looking over to me "y/n, are you allergic to anything?"

I shake my head


"See mom, it's fine" Nick says

"Thank you much, Ms. Sturniolo" I say taking the plate me made me

"Please, call me Mary Lou" she smiles and rubs my back.

I sat next to Chris, taking nicks spot.

"Ok, so we need to have our luggage in the car by 8 so we can leave by 2 am, Because our flight is at 4 am" Nick said cleaning up his plate

"Nick whyd you pick a 4 am flight?" Matt says

"Because it was the only one that was 3available!" Nick yells

I finish my food before Chris. He was being kinda quiet, I was a little worried

"Chris you ok?" I ask

"Yeah, I'm fine" He says back

I stare a little longer because I was in convinced he was actually ok. I left it alone incase he didn't want to be bothered about it.

I head back to my room to see a bunch of missed calls and some texts from Carmella





Chill out, Carmella

What have you been doing?

Hanging out with the triplets


Ok, well I've got news for you

What is it?

Your mom sent a card

I haven't opened it. Cuz it's
obviously for you

Just leave it on my bed
I'll get to it when I come back.

Are you sure?

Yeah, it's fine.

I wasn't sure why my mom decided to send my a postcard now. But it was the least of my worries for now.

I heard a tap on the door

"Can I come in?" It was Chris

"Yeah of course, what's up?"

"Nothing, just tired" He says jumping onto the bed next to me

I stayed on my phone texting Lucy about what she wants to get Carmella for her birthday.

I had to set some reminders for things I needed to get in Cali that I couldn't get here in Massachusetts.

"Are you excited to leave Somerville?" Chris asks me put of nowhere.

"Yeah, not that Somerville is bad, I just am excited for a vacation" I responded

After a while of Chris just being next to me, i look over to realize he was asleep.

I smile before turning back to my phone not wanting to wake him by accident.

I had put my phone down for a second to look at Chris again. Him being asleep so peacefully made me a little sleepy aswell.

I layed my head on the pillow and fell asleep.

Chris POV

I wanted to see y/n because she was way more calm than Nick and Matt.

So I went to her room and asked to come inside.

When she said yes I jumped onto the bed and layed next to her.

I was going to start up a conversation but all I could do was stare at her as she texted someone.

She surprisingly didn't notice the staring. But after staring for a bit I asked if she was excited to leave Somerville.

She said yes. The reason I asked her our of nowhere is because I didn't want her to feel pressured to come on this trip if she really didn't want to go.

Soon I feel asleep next to her.

Matt POV

I walked to the guest bedroom where
Y/n was staying. I walked in prepared ot ask her a question, but instead I see her asleep and Chris right next to her.

Chris didn't always like sharing space with people like that, so at first it surprised me. But I shut the door and left them alone.

Nick asked me what I was doing. When I told him his face scrunched up. I'm not sure whether it was a bad fave scrunch or a good one.

He peeked in the room to see for himself and when he closed the door he looked at me like 'holy shit'.

"We should leave them alone" I told Nick as we walked away from the guest room.

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now