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When the plane landed I was still laying on Chris, he was already awake.

I moved slightly and he knew I was awake.

"Goodmorning" He says.

When I woke up I was covered with a jacket and an arm around me.

"Was I asleep the whole flight?" I ask finally sitting up

"Yeah pretty much" He says

"Thank you and sorry" I apologize as I hand his jacket back

"It's all good" He says

I still felt really bad for being asleep on him for a whole 6 hour flight.

I sat back in the seat as the plane parked in the lot.

I was completely embarrassed by it.

"It's really ok, y/n I fell asleep too" Chris said patting my shoulder.

My phone then got a notification. Nick must have heard our conversation because he airdropped me a picture of Chris and I asleep.



It was cute, had to take at
least 1 picture.


I showed Chris the picture, he thought it was funny.  He laughed about it all the way until we got off the plane.

"Ok Laura and Madi are coming to pick us up soon, they are like half a mile away" Matt says

I had to admit I was extremely excited to meet Madi. She seems so fun and enjoyable to be around.

While we waited for Madi and her mom to get us from the airport we got our luggage and got some expensive ass food.

"Ok, they're here. They are over at the front" we walk to the front of the airport and when we walk out of the airport, they were there.

"Hi Laura, hey Madi!" Chris yells from the door.

Laura and Madi get out of the car to greet me.

"Hi, what's your name?" The older lady asks me, I'm assuming this was Laura

"Y/n" I smile at her, she gives me a hug before letting me meet Madi.

"Hi, y/n I'm Madi" the girl smiled at me, she was pretty, like perfectly pretty. I had to stop myself from staring.

We got into the car and we drove to the hotel called, La Casa Del Camino.

Holy shit, this is our hotel?!

The hotel was large and had so much space, it looked like its own house.

"Welcome to La Casa Del Camina" Nick says in a very American accent

"Nick-" Chris says before he starts laughing.

I was seated in the last row of the car with Matt. Nick and Chris in the middle.  Everytime Chris laughs or has to tell a joke about something he turns around  because Nick is tired of his shit and won't listen to him.

We got out of the car and got everyone situated. Our hotel was a little close to the beach so I assumed we were going there at some point.

As I was unpacking my stuff in my room, Madi came in. I was nervous as hell

What if she thinks I'm weird?
What if she genuinely doesn't like me?

"Hey, what are you up to, besides unpacking?" She says

"Nothing really, trying to settle in" I respond politely.

Eventually a conversation sparked and we talked for a long time. Just stuff about ourselves to get to know eachother.

When she came in my room I was so nervous she was going to think I was weird and not fun. Once I got to know her a little better, I didn't feel that way.

We laughed about stupid shit and other stuff. We talked all about what made us happy and stuff like that.

Even though I had only known her for a couple hours. I was really starting to like her. She was just how Chris had described her.

"Hey, you guys ok?" Nick asks. Chris stands right behind him at the door.

"Yeah we're cool" Madi says. We look at eachother and start laughing

"Ok, well Matt wants to play Mario Kart on your Nintendo Switch, y/n" Chris interjects

I forgot I brought my console. I said sure and grabbed my Nintendo.

We played so much Mario Kart. There were 5 of us but only 4 people could play so I sat out for the first few rounds.

But it was way more fun watching how competitive Chris and Madi were.

I watched as Chris constantly trash-talked Nick because Nick was about to be in last place.

We played Mario kart until Laura told us she wanted to take us to dinner.

We had dinner and messed around in the hotel before dispersing to our rooms and going to sleep.

I couldn't sleep, again, but this time it was because I was excited out of my mind. This week was about to be the best week of my life.

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