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The next morning when I woke up, I felt better.

I also woke up with Nick above my face with a camera.

"Goodmorning, sunshine" He says.

I begin to slightly laugh. Then I felt a person fall on me.


I grab my pillow and begin beating him up with it.

Soon a pillow fight breaks out. I thought we were going every-man-for-hismelf but then they all started to target me.

They looked like they were having fun while I was uncontrollably laughing on my bed and getting hit by 3 pillows.

I caught a glimpse of the camera that Nick had shining on my face when I first woke up. It was recording the whole time. Seeing the camera only added on to my laughter.

When the fight calmed down and Nick had stopped recording, the boys started plotting how to tell Mary Lou I was homeless and that I needed to stay here.

"Guys it's fine, really. I'll just stay in my car, there's more than enough space for me" I say.

"No we're not gonna let that happen to you" Matt says.

"Yeah, no. You don't deserve that" Nick adds

"We're gonna make sure you have a proper home" Chris smiles.

And that's when it all came out.

God you're such a big ass baby

I don't know how but I started crying. I never knew how much I needed reassurance like that.

I don't think I triplets knew how much I needed it either because when I started crying they seemed confused.

Despite being confused, they all surrounded me in a hug. When they let go Nick looked at me very concerned.

"Are you ok? What happened?" Nick asks.

I was stuck. Why...I dunno.

Then Chris came over to me with a tissue and handed it to me.

I wiped my face and blew my nose. Then I was able to speak again.

"You guys don't even understand how much you guys mean to me right now" I said.

My tone was filled with gratitude and utter greatfulness.

"Oh...y/n" Matt says. They all hug me again.

I was so happy to have people like this in my life. I'm so lucky to have met them.

"Thank you guys so so so much, seriously" I say as I wipe up my remaining tears.

"Of course, y/n" Nick says sitting next to me on the bed.

"But like seriously, what do we tell mom? Because she doesn't even know she's here" Nick says.

"Yes she does" I say. I smile a little bit. "You're mom came in here last night, and she saw my stuff and asked what happened, so I told her"

"Wait really?" Chris asks

I nod my head, yes.

"So she's ok with letting you stay?" Matt adds

"I think so" as soon as those words leave my mouth the boys begin jumping around and whooping.

I couldn't help but laugh. And when Mary Lou heard all the whooping she came in smiling.

"Thank you mom!"

Chris Sturniolo × fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now