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Since the boys got back from LA, we had been hanging out on the daily. Which meant we had been hanging out for 3 weeks straight.

Whether it was just to get ice cream or to sit in the car and talk.

I had been in Massachusetts for about almost 3 months and I'd already created such a big group of friends and I've already made so many memories.

Carmella had told me she bet that by the end of the summer I would have a boyfriend, but I doubted it.

It was already the middle of May, I had got here in early March. I was grateful for the opportunity given to me.

I still had a whole summer to do things, to prepare myself for my future. But Carmella was kinda on to something.

I guess I wouldn't totally mind being in a healthy relationship by the time I'm in school.

At the same time, relationships can be so full of commitment. I don't have that strength, I have serious commitment issues.

"Hey, you're up" Luke knocks on the door

I hadn't realized I was stuck in my thoughts, staring at the ceiling. I had woken up maybe 20 minutes ago but I hadn't gotten out of bed.

"I've been up" I say sitting up on my bed.

"How've you been?" He asked sitting next to me

"Good, I'm glad I made new friends...like Chris." I say smiling to myself

I see luke tense up in the corner of my eye when I say his name. It had taken me a while to understand that he didn't like the thought of me hanging out with other people

Carmella told me he didn't like the triplets because of how he feels like they "stole" me from Lucy, Luke and Carmella.

"You haven't hung out with us in a while" He says hoping I would respond with 'SURE, let's go hang out all day right now'..

I had nothing else to say, I didn't know what to respond with.

"I know, I'm sorry. We should all hang out again, like we used to. Just us four" I say, my hand on his shoulder.

I stand up, my hand still on his shoulder. I didn't know what came over me but I hugged him. I just hugged him.

There was no logical reason why I hugged him, I just did.

I smiled down at him before walking out of my room to head to the kitchen to make me something to eat.

I used to be head over heels for Luke when I was in 7-8th grade. Then he started dating a girl that I knew didn't like me. After that I let him go. I started to not care.

I hadn't really felt strong feeling like this until I met the triplets. It was weird in a way. It still shocked me, how well we got along since the beginning.

There just a dynamic that's just...there

"Why is Luke sitting in your room smiling like a little child" Lucy hops on the counter top next to me

"I dunno" I shrug while eating my ice cream

"Did you say something to him?" She asks

"I don't think so, maybe it's because I hugged him in a...certain way" I say.

"Awww, you guys would be so cute together. Especially because Luke...like definitely likes you" she shuts up, as If she instantly regretted her words.

I already knew that, it was kinda obvious...was it not?

"Really? I had no idea" I say, pretty convincingly

"I promised I wouldn't tell...oops. Don't tell him I told you. Just don't tell him at all" she says trying to end the conversation as Luke coincidentally walks in

I smile at her as Carmella soon walks into the kitchen aswell

"Did I miss something? What just happened?" Carmella says as all 4 of us are now in the kitchen silently

I laugh and hop off the counter.

Carmella and Luke stare at me waiting for an explanation. Lucy is looking at me waiting for me to not say anything.

I smile and head to my room.

"The triplets are picking me up to get some stuff for school. I wont be gone for long" I say as I walk to my room

Sometimes my friends were the most clueless people on the planet. And that's ok. I still love them.

Shopping with the triplets was fun. We laughed a lot of course...mainly laughing at Nick.

Once I got back there was an immediate vibe that I didn't like in the house.

I thought it was just me until I heard yelling.

Luke had to have found out.

I knew I was right when Lucy came rushing to me asking for help because Luke was gonna kill her.

"Lucy I don't have time for this, these bags are heavy" I say, she runs away.

Sometimes they bothered me, yes. But it was actually kinda funny when I wasn't the one in the middle of it.

Once I had put my bags into my room. Carmella and I sat laughing at Lucy and Luke.

After Luke found out that Lucy had told me about his crush, he got mad and chased her down the street. Dramatic but whatever.

"I can't with you guys" I say as I head to my room.

I plopped on my bed, instantly getting a text, why does that always seem to happen?

It was from the groupchat...

N: y/n do you want to come with us to LA?!!!



M: please, y/n. We know you kinda
hate LA but we have a friend we want you to meet.

C: it's only for a week.

I'll think about it

I honestly wasn't sure. Matt was right...I kinda did hate LA. but maybe it wouldn't be too bad? Right?

Alright, I'll come.

N: YAY! we meant to ask you in the car but we forgot.

C: yeah, wait when are we leaving?

N: Saturday

M: no we are leaving on Sunday.

C: that's in 2 days.

Ok, I have 2 days to pack

M: Yeah, the night before you can stay at out house because our flight is at 4 in the morning

C: yeah, you can sleep in the attic

N: 💀

What? 😭

N: you can sleep in the guest room obviously

Ok bet, I'll drive over there tommrow afternoon

C: ok!

M: ok

I couldn't lie, I was pretty excited. I wasn't excited about was telling Lucy luke and Carmella...

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