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The next day was Saturday. The only thing Carmella wanted to do today was pack, we had our flight on tommorow morning at 4 am which meant we have to leave the apartment at 2 am.

Everything in the apartment was empty and in boxes. I had been living here since I was 16, which was only 2 years but it still felt like a long time.

I wanted to do something, seeing as it was our last night in California.

"Carmella?" I ask politely

"Yes, y/n?" She responds, after taping up a box

"Can we do something before we leave? Because it's our last night here, and we can't just go, we need to have some kind if fun before we start living in Massachusetts"

"No, because these boxes need to be taped, before we send them on some random truck.

"Fine. Lucy, Luke and I will just go without you" I mumble

"Wait" she stops me, I know she hates being left out. "Where are you guys going?" She asks

"The beach then to get food from that expensive ass burger place down the street, then probably get ice cream after" I answer

"Fine I'll come with" she groans

I went to Lucy and Luke's rooms and told them where we were going, soon we were on the way to the beach, we lived on the coast so our ride to the beach was only about 10 minutes.

"Ok guys, we can only be here for about 2 or 3 hours there is still stuff I need to pack at the apartment" Carmella says

"Fine, just have fun for once though" I say, patting Carmella's shoulder.

I look over to the water and I already see Luke and Lucy in the water.

I run after them and I begin playing around with them.

Carmella fell asleep while tanning so we ended up staying at the beach for 5 hours. When she woke up she was pissed.

We got our food and headed back to the apartment. We got home at about 6 pm.

"Damn, I'm tired" Luke groaned as we got out of the car.

"Me too" Lucy and I agree

I layed in my room after my long shower, I was thinking about why leaving California was going to be so easy for me. I grew up here, all of my memories were made here, and for some reason I'm just about to...let it go.

"Hey, get to bed we've got a flight in less than 9 hours" Carmella knocked on my door

Her words were left ringing in my ears. 9 hours and I'm out of this bitch, I'm gonna be in Massachusetts. My stomach did small flips everytime I thought about it. I was able to push the feeling down long enough to fall asleep.

I woke up to Lucy shaking me awake.

"Stop" I said in a groggy tone.

"Then get up. Carmella's already mad" she says

Shit, when carmella's mad you have to watch what you say and do, or else she'll get really disrespectful, really fast.

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP WE HAVE A FLIGHT IN 3 HOURS" she yells at me from the bathroom down the hallway

"Carmella, I'm sorry-" I begin saying as I stumble into the bathroom

"Then hurry up or else your getting left" she rolls her eyes

"Im the only reason your going to Massachusetts" I mumble

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing" I blurt

"That's what I thought"

I walk back to my room, excited for thr trip, and to see alahna again. I was still curious who she wanted me to meet.

I was also hoping to find someone in Massachusetts. I doubt it, but it's an open idea.

Once all my things were packed and ready to go I told Carmella I was ready, the only person we had to wait for was Luke.

A moving agency had already came to pick up our furniture so the only things he had to pack was clothes.

Knowing that doesn't take long I barge in his room

"What the hell is taking you so long!"

I look around his room and the only thing I saw that he had nothing

"Where's all your stuff" I asked him

He was sitting on the floor in the corner

"I accidentally packed all my stuff with the moving agency

I laughed at his stupidity and told everyone to get in the car. The ride to the airport was going to be about an hour.

During the car ride, everyone fell asleep in car except for Luke, who was sitting next to me in the passenger seat.

We had been talking the whole ride about things we liked and what we wanted to do once we got to Massachusetts.

The ride felt shorter than an hour. But the wait for the plane felt like ages.

"Ok, it's 3:03, we should be boarding our flight pretty soon" Carmella said looking at her watch.

We waited and did stupid shit in the long hallways of the airport and put out suitcases on the big conveyor belt before we were called to our flight.

Before I got on the plane I realized the decision I was making, it was going to be hard leaving the place I grew up and leaving for good. I gained enough courage to continue on into the plane.

I took a seat next to the window, Luke sitting next to me, Lucy and Carmella sitting infront of us.

I was planning to stay awake for the flight. I had a lot on my mind.

On the flight I felt my eyelids drooping and my head got heavy. I wanted to fall asleep.

I start hanging my head and gently leaning it on Luke's shoulder, he was awake and was aware I was asleep, he didn't tense up and he didn't move.

I woke up after about 6 hours with Luke's head on mine and his arm around me. I didn't mind that much, we  were pretty close.

I open my eyes completely to see Carmella and Lucy taking pictures of us.

We both jumped away from each other occasionally glancing at eachother in embarrassment.

We got off the plane and there was still a bit of residual tension between Luke and I from earlier.

We grabbed our luggage an began heading to where Alahna said she'd meet me. I saw her waiving in the distance with 3 people behind her.

We walk closer and I hug alahna. I look behind her and she introduces me to her friends.

"This us nick, Matt and Chris" I shake each of their hands, first nick then Matt, then Chris.

I shake chris's hand and he greets me with 4 words

"You must be y/n"

Hoped you like the 2nd part!!!!!!!

Love all of you!!!!!!


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