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I packed my things and loaded them in the car, so that way if Carmella tried to argue with me about it, I would be able to hop in the car and just drive away.

That's sounds bad and mean, but even though Carmella was younger than me, she was so stubborn about where I am.

"Hey, guys" I walk into the living room

All 3 of them were sitting on the couches. Now staring at me

"Sunday... well technically tomorrow, I'm leaving" I say

"Where are you going?" Luke asks

"And for how long?" Carmella continues

"Im going to California for a week" hoping there wouldn't be any judgment when I told them who I was going with

"You're going by yourself?" Lucy speaks up

"No-" I feel my stomach drop "I'm going with the triplets"

They all groan, for some reason they didn't like how much I hung out with them.

"Please just stay, don't go please" Lucy stands up

"I already told them I would go" I whine. I didn't want to hear about how they wanted me to stay because I was their only form of personal transportation.

"But you're our-" don't- "only form of transportation" Lucy falls on the floor like a kid who couldn't get the toy it wanted.

"It's only for a week, don't worry, I'll be back before your birthday Carmella, I promise"

I ignore them once I walk back to my room.

I knew how much i hated California, they knew how much I knew California. I would never tell the triplets though.

Maybe I'll tell them after the trip.

I hear a knock at my door and before I can say 'come in' Luke walks in.

"Are you really gonna go?" He jumps on my bed.

"Yes, you aren't gonna convince me to not go" I say sternly as I tidy up my room

"I know, it's cuz you're like...in love with that Chris boy"

"I am not!" I say throwing a crumpled up paper at his face

"Yes you do. I've seen the way you look at him"

"That doesn't mean anything, we're just friends. Leave it at that"

I knew he had to be smiling. He had to be. Because of how he spoke. Like...you know how someone's tone changes when they talk while smiling?

It was exactly that, I heard it.

"Y/n can I ask you for a promise? Like can you promise me something"

"Sure what is it?" I ask turning to him. He looked nervous

"Can you promise me we will hang out...like just you and me" He asked

I wanted to say yes, but did I? I didn't want to hurt his feelings but my inner young-teen self that's totally in love with him is screaming yes. But my current me is unsure

"Sure, I promise when I get back from California you and I will hang out, we can go to dinner or something" I smile at him while resuming my cleaning.

"Ok" He said

"Ok" I responded



He hugged me from behind before leaving my room.

I knew since we were kids that Luke's love language was touch. One time our grade went to an amusement park for a fieldtrip.

He rode one ride and the rest of the field trip he held on to Lucy's hand.

Luke is older by like 3 minutes but Lucy's always like the older sibling.

I knew Luke was a very clingy person, I always thought it was cute.

By the time I snapped out of my thoughts my room was clean.

How did it ever even get dirty?

By that night, I had everything ready, I was planning to leave early in the morning so that I wouldn't have to rush through morning traffic and Carmella still trying to convince me not to go.

In the middle of the night. I heard someone come in, I was too tired to look over to who it was.

It was Carmella

"Y/n, can we talk?" She asks me

I get turn to look at her

"Yeah what's up?" I frown she looked upset

"Well Lucy, Luke and I we're talking and- we aren't really sure that we like you hanging out with the triplets so much" I roll my eyes, good thing the room was dim enough she wouldn't see it

"Why not? You told me we were moving to get a 'fresh start'. You told me you wanted me to make friends." I sat flatly

"No- I meant WE could make friends" she says

She emphasized the "we". I understood that she wanted us to be together In one house as a small family but we aren't 16 anymore. We aren't going to do everything together.

"Carmella. I'm sorry. I know how you wanted this life in Massachusetts to go but I can't always be by your side in everything." I felt kinda bad actually.

I knew how much I meant to her. But I also knew how much she meant to me.

"So you're just gonna leave? That's it?" She starts to get upset

"Dude it's literally for a week, I'll be back by Sunday" I say shrugging

"That's my birthday weekend! I had so much planned y/n" she slumped on the edge of my bed.

"I promise I will be back before you actual birthday" I say sitting next to her, I point to her pants "are those my tweety bird pajama pants?"

She laughs and nods her head

"I took them when you went on that dinner date with Chris" she smiles at me

"It wasn't a date" I frown

"Well it was one on one hang out time...so technically it was a date" she laughs at me as I try to defend myself.

I roll my eyes and shove her off my bed. We ended up play fighting. I messed up her hair, she messed up my bed.

We laughed about it until she eventually left my room to go to bed.

Everything was going to be fine. With carmellas birthday weekend, i know i was gonna miss it. Carmella had something big and exciting coming her way anyway.

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