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I shake chris' hand and he greets me with 4 words

"You must be y/n"

I look at his blue eyes. I smile widely and I nod my head.

I introduce my friends to Alahna and the three boys.

I kept staring at them because they looked the same, they had to be triplets.

We got to the house that Carmella had bought 2 weeks ago, I knew nothing about how to rent a house so I had Carmella do it.

I started college in about 6 months, which meant I had a lot of time to get to know the space I was going to be living in.

Soon after we left to go to our new house, Alahna had called to plan dinner together at a steakhouse in the city.

I accepted the offer and I told Carmella, Lucy and Luke that we were going to have dinner with the boys and Alahna.

"Don't the 3 boys look like triplets" I say putting my laundry in my drawers

Lucy was sitting on my new bed texting someone

"A little bit, I bet you can already tell which one is Chris" she looks at me with a small smirk on her lips.

"What! Lucy! I just met him! It's not like that!" I defend myself.

Sure he was cute but that didn't mean I had any interest in him. I barely know him.

"Mhm sure" she taunts

I roll my eyes, there was no way she was going to let it go.

"What are you guys doing?" Luke pops into the room.

"Nothing, just talking about how y/n has a crush on that Chris dude" Lucy laughs

"I DO NOT! Luke she is lying!" I yell back

I see Luke's face prune up a little bit, like he was jealous or something was wrong with what Lucy had said.

"You sure do! Did you see the way he was looking at you! He had some strong ass eye contact"

"Shut the fuck up, lucy!" I yell

Lucy gets up off my bed and starts shaking me and singing

"Y/n and Chris...sitting in a tree-"

"NO GOD NO, LUCY" I laugh

Lucy was always childish, she's like an annoying little sister.

Luke on the other hand treated me like aoytle girl, like I can handle myself. But he's only 2 weeks older than I am.

Carmella is a year younger than I am but shes more independent than anybody I know, which is why I trust her a lot.

I used to live with Carmella and my aunt but then my mom and my aunt got into it and then I stopped going to her house that often.

Lucy giggles in an ugly way and says

"Ok, get ready for the steakhouse, wouldn't wanna be late to dinner with your boy-"

"Get out" I say sternly. She knew exactly how to piss me off, I still loved her like a sister though.

Once Lucy left my room alahna called me.

"Hey, we're on the way to the steakhouse"

"Cool, well be there soon"

Hanging up the phone I get dressed, I wear something I'm comfortable in. Carmella always complains that I underdress but I don't care. I'm comfy.

"Hey, you ready" Carmella's head peeks In the doorway of my new, empty room.

"Yeah, just a sec" I say grabbing my charger and speed walking to the door.

We begin driving to the steakhouse, we got a little lost because Luke has no idea how to use a GPS. But we eventually made it.

The car ride was about 13 minutes, luckily the weather wasn't terrible, but compared to California it was a lot different.

Making it to the steakhouse I notice alahna and the triplets sitting in the diner, in a booth, by the window.

I feel a sense of excitement, I couldn't wait to make new friends and make new memories.

I see alahna look at me through the window, she waves causing the triplets to look at us aswell.

We head inside and the server instantly comes to take our orders for drinks.

I ask for a Pepsi, something I usually get when I go out to eat.

I notice Chris staring at my sweatshirt. Soon he points to it and says

"I have that same sweatshirt"

He smiles at me, making me smile.

I was wearing a sweatshirt from my favorite artist

"She wears it all the time" Carmella says, trying to spark a conversation between Chris and I.

Carmella always did that, she would constantly try and help me get a guy but I never wanted her help because I was never looking for a relationship.

It also never worked when she tried it.

"So does he, he basically fanGirls over it" Matt says.

"That sounds like y/n" Lucy chimes in

I roll my eyes. I smile because Chris was now looking at me kinda laughing. Then nick said something that I didn't hear causing Matt and Chris to start laughing.

Chris's laugh made me laugh, it was contagious.

I smile because I realize that I made a new group of friends and I was so excited to live here and my nervousness had disappeared.

I smiled even harder because we were all laughing now.

I went to bed that night so happy and excited for the rest of my time in Massachusetts.

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