Chapter 01 | Mature

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Note: Ulysses has speaking disorders so he chooses not to speak and just do sign language but Lord Damond thinks and refers to him as mute.

Chapter 01 | Mature

Things Damond could say after staring at his servant for an hour already; pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, ravishing, lovely, delectable, fuckable.

He can never get over with those freckles that look like stars. Those innocent mesmerizing eyes that could captivate anyone. Those olive green hair that falls to the nape and the unique antenna on top that never bent down. Those sexy slender body that moves gracefully and adorably. Damn, this fucking servant is ravishing.

Never in his life Damond had been so addicted like this. It got to the point where he couldn't bear the thought of not seeing his servant one day. And the more he couldn't stand that freckled face talking to anyone but himself. He couldn't understand himself anymore, and he wasn't sure when it started. Every day, he found himself quietly waiting for the shy maid.

He knew he was straight; he used to despise same-sex relationships. But now he's obsessed with the same gender. And a fucking servant? He's a noble, the next Magnate in line, and everyone expects him to marry the most beautiful woman in town and start a family. But how could he do that now, when his thoughts are consumed by his freckled servant? He can't believe he's obsessing over a lowly status.

It's still clear how this servant managed to capture his attention. He has speaking disorders; he cannot talk properly, he remains quiet for the whole day; Lord Damond even refers to him as mute, the only servant in his mansion who can't speak. And the only one as well who has freckles around his face and body. Some other people dislikes those freckles, but that's what captivated Damond the most. It's so unique, that makes this servant different and more lovely, that makes this servant a one in a million.

Lord Damond never expected to be such a sucker for his servant's sweet scent, but the freckled face fragrance is addictive. He could smell its natural fragrance even from a long distance away. He couldn't tell if it was because of the soap the servant use or because he was just insane over him. His servant's body and hair smell the same. Was he using the same soap for his hair and body? Damond's obsession with noticing every single feature of his lowly servant is becoming unhealthier by the day.

It's alluring, captivating, his sweet aroma is enough to make his cock throb under his pants. Damond knew he's being a total creep now, he gets rock hard just by staring at his servant's freckles and smelling his natural fragrance. What the heck. Is this a sign that he's healthy? Or he's just being a damn horny bastard?

Nevertheless, it's all that fucking servant's fault for being beautiful. How could someone be so gorgeous, he looked like he was sent from the heavens above. His features is smooth and his actions are soft. A total angel has dropped by in his mansion. He had always admired his servant's feminine actions, he's a total definition of femboy. He does not dress in women's clothing, but he was even more modest with than the other maids in his mansion.

He's such a beautiful man not to mention he got those perfect healthy ass. Damond had always dreamed of spanking those ass cheeks nonstop. He wonder how it would bounce and melt against his slap and grip. He had always thought of having his servant beneath his grace, begging for his mercy and thick, long cock.

He had thought of having those ass ride his big cock in his massive chamber. He had thought of making his servant a moaning mess, Damond would ban him to speak other words, he would only allow his servant to moan his name. He plans to make a mess of him during sex, leave kiss marks and traces proving that they actually made love. He's getting weirder everyday, and it's all that damn servant's fault. It's that freckled face fault for getting caught that day.

If he hadn't just caught his servant then, it wouldn't have turned out like this.

It's lucid like it just happened yesterday how this servant managed to give him a boner. Sure, he's mute, he can't speak, but he can fucking moan. It made him delirious, and now he's addicted. So fucking obsessed with his freckled face and moans. He caught him one time masturbating in the servant's room one time.

It was a beautiful morning, and Damond was strolling around the mansion, taking in the scenery. The Theodore mansion has always been regarded as one of the finest in the region. His father's architectural design is skilled and exceptional. He had always admired his late father's work because it was one of his father's legacies and hard work. Since his father's painful death, the mansion has been left to him, and in order to preserve its beauty, he has strived to be like it; a full-fledged and brilliant architect.

He learned architecture at the age of five, he was pressured because his family comes from great architects. It all started from his great great grandfather, and the legacy continued until his turn.

He was all and well enjoying the view when he heard cute whimpers coming not too far. Damond followed the sound, he was curious because it was creepy but cute. It's so soft and small, like a girl's sound. But there's something more, the thickness of the voice is starting to blend as the owner began to pant heavily. The hardly quiet sound is getting louder.

"Ahhh, ahhh, hngg, ahh..."

And sooner the whimpers turned into uncontrolled moans. The long low sound of pleasure began to echo in the corridor. Who the hell would masturbate in the middle of the day? Is this person fucking aware that someone might pass through this place? What an actual idiot. Who the hell gave this person the permission to jack off?

It was actually all right for him, no big deal since he's a man too. He understands how hard it is to hold back when a crotch is about to explode, until he heard something that totally changed his mind.

"Young master..."

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