Chapter 08 | Mature

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Chapter 08 | Mature

That broke his heart even more; his young master's tongue has the power to shatter someone's self-esteem. What he said devastated Ulysses. It finally dawned on him that his young master was looking so down on him. His young master regards him as a slut for everyone, an easy guy who bitches around.

[Sorry, my Lord, forgive me.]

In fact, he was hesitant to apologize because he was innocent. He remains the victim. But the world isn't fair; there's always someone who must follow and someone that must be followed. It's heartbreaking to think that he was among those who had to obey and kneel in order to survive.

"Just why the fuck are you with him? Am I not enough for you? Do you fucking want more, hm? You want more dicks inside that slutty ass of yours?" His young master's grip on his cheek tightened even more. Ulysses could already feel the pain in his jaw.

His jaw hurt but his heart hurt more because of what he said. That's how heavy his chest was. Ulysses' cries grew louder.

Lord Damond fondled his face and gently traced his freckles, "Oh, don't you cry now. I haven't done anything to you yet. Don't cry now, if you cry, atleast I need to make it reasonable right? Should I pounce on you right now? It would justify your fucking tears."

[Sorry, my lord. Please, forgive me...]

He's no longer the same as the young master he once knew. He was aware that everyone had a dark side, but he had not anticipated that his boss's dark side would be so dark. Lord Damond's aura is extremely dark; his umbra obscures, and his darkness dominates.

"Tell me, I'll try to understand you."

Though the poor servant had his doubts, Ulysses still obeyed. He sobbed and tried to compose himself, [That noble was asking me to have a sip with him. I refused but he was too pushy.]

"What did he say to you?" Lord Damond queered.

[He... He told me I'm beautiful. T-that I'm the most beautiful servant he had ever seen. That's why he's inviting me for a drink.]

Ulysses blushed, infuriating the young master. Ulysses felt his cheeks burnt, but he didn't notice his boss's even more venomous reaction.

"And you fucking believed him? You slut-"

[No, no, sorry, I'm sorry my Lord, please don't be mad...] Ulysses was so taken aback by what he said that he immediately knelt and bowed; [I didn't... I'm sorry for believing him.]

Ulysses' voice echoed. His heart had been broken. This was not expected. He felt like Lord Damond just slapped him the fact that he's not pretty, so he should not believe what the old man said.

[I know I'm ugly, sorry...]

"Fuck." Lord Damond's murmur echoed in the room to Ulysses's surprise. His anger seemed to escalate even more, "I just asked if you believed him. I didn't say anything about you being ugly and shit. Why do you fucking think you're ugly?"

[Because of my freckles...] Ulysses replied. He hated his freckles, he was always bullied because of it. The kids of his age back then makes fun of his freckles.

He expected his young master to be pleased, but it appeared that he was even more enraged as a result of what he said. A slew of crunchy, cheap ones escaped from his unfiltered mouth.

"Goodshit fuck, now I'm more annoyed. First, you bitched around with that old bastard. He's all over you, if I did not interrupt something might have had fucking happened already. If I didn't fucking come you would have let him his ways--!"

[No, no, no my lord, please don't think it that way!] Ulysses cried on the floor, almost licking Lord Damond's foot.

"Then, you're saying you're ugly because of your freckles." He growled hardly, "Do you fucking know to which extent does my blood boil right now?"

[Sorry, sorry, sorry, my lord sorry...]

Lord Damond gently stroked his cheek and wiped away his tears, then it spoke; "Hush no, don't cry... I didn't say you're ugly. I just don't want others to compliment you. Only I can say those words to you, do you understand? You are so fucking beautiful."

Ulysses' eyes widened in surprise. His confusion erupted all at once. Previously, his boss was irritated when the old man told him he was beautiful, but now it's fine if he praises him.

"Ulysses, you're beautiful. You're perfect in my eyes. Those freckles are the best thing I've ever seen. Fuck, I want you mine, so I'm keeping you as far away from everyone as possible. Because you're mine, Ulysses." His young master claimed. It was solemn, not even a chuckle in his tone of voice.

[My lord...] Ulysses shivered.

"Yes, Ulysses. You're the prettiest, you're like a star."

There was a massive silence. For a moment peace prevailed. But the place immediately returned to the heavy ambiance when the young master's face darkened again.

"Now, time for punishment, servant. Bend over." He authoritatively commanded making Ulysses shiver, "You should always remember who you belong. You are under my roof, you are under my authority, you are under my possession, you are fucking mine, Ulysses. Mine alone, just mine."

With those dangerous ocean eyes, Ulysses obeyed immediately as if he don't own himself anymore. He's been marked, he's been claimed, he is his. He turned around abruptly, not wanting to piss the young master more. He's willing to serve him everything, if it's his body that the young master wants, then he'll give it. That's what Ulysses had in mind in the current situation.

"You are mine."

[W-wait, my lord...] Ulysses immediately stopped his master when Lord Damond began caressing his ass cheeks.

"You know, I'm still pissed." The young master immediately brakes and stands up, "How about you do something to calm me first, hm? All right, before you fucking bend over, do something."

[What should I do, my lord?] Ulysses stared at him in confusion.

"Suck me."

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon