Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

A week later, Lord Damond still has not return, and the mansion remained the same. Sad, boring, because no one comes to visit. Without Lord Damond, Ulysses gets so down the whole day. Somehow, he misses his presence even though his heart goes insane with nervousness whenever he's around. He just wonder what he was doing at such times. Does he have a woman, or work? Is he faithful to the Lady of Estella house? Is he still going back to the mansion? Is he engaging make-out with that beautiful woman right now? Of course, naturally, that's how they are... that's how aristocrats are. So no matter what Ulysses does, he won't fit in with their world, his young master's world.

In just a few days he will receive the salary, the month is coming to an end, which means it's already a month since Lord Damond appeared in the mansion. He couldn't understand himself as to why he always think of him. He feels like they are connected, because there isn’t a day that he doesn’t enter his mind.

Oh right, he's in love with Lord Damond. How could he forgot the meaning of his feelings? Maybe, Lord Damond has been away for too long that's why he's forgetting that what he feels towards him is what they call forbidden love.

Ulysses misses him so bad. Is Lord Damond thinking about him too? What is he doing right now? Does he ever cross in his young master's mind? Because Ulysses thinks nothing but him. This is bad, this is dangerous.


It was already nightfall, Ulysses was the only one left on the veranda. He helped fixing the plants on the garden earlier so he went back inside the mansion very late, Alfred got sick just in time so he was the only one to take care of the leftovers like paint, buckets and so on. It was also good for Alfred so he could rest. Ulysses noticed that Alfred's not doing good lately, he looks anxious and tired, the same as him but atleast Ulysses looks better. Alfred is a hard worker, he just keeps going even though his body is bruised already.

What a tiring day.

Ulysses was about to close the main door when the gate lit up, he was stuck in his position when a fancy car entered and headed straight for the garage. He wondered who it was among the visitors, the Madame of the Theodores was not in the country and she had not returned home yet. Matron Aurora also did not receive a call to see if anyone would come home, Ulysses did not resist his curiosity and waited for the person who arrived to go through the main door.

And his heart pounded so hard and loud when Lord Damond finally appeared on the veranda after several weeks. Ulysses almost welled in tears, his young master was staring at him while smiling. They were far away from each other, the distance between them is large but Ulysses could smell the wine on his young master's clothes. He drank... Lord Damond was drunk.

Lord Damond grinned and stepped closer to him as he backed away, the young master growled, "You waited for me?" He asked with questioning eyes.

Ulysses swallowed up and backed away again, they did not really had a good meeting. Whenever they met before, nothing good happens or atleast it would be nothing but a temporary pleasure. That's probably what's destined for the two of them. Ulysses shook his head in response and reopened the door to let his young master in, but the idiot went straight to the poor startled servant.

"You could have left... why are you still here?"

Lord Damond tried to dominate his place, he backs away from every step he takes. Ulysses was about to leave when the young master stretched out his hands, grabbed him and leaned hard against the door. Lord Damond took a deep breath and covered his mouth so as not to create any noise. Tears welled up in Ulysses' eyes as the young master locked him in his arms. He pinned him on the wall while his other hand grip his waist and pressed his body against his.

I sighed and didn't know how to avoid, [W-what are you doing, young master?]

"You missed me?" he said in a whispering voice. And his tears finally flowed when he bent his neck and put his head there after hugging him, "I missed you... so fucking much."

The poor servant's heart was pounding, and he was about to faint from exhaustion and confusion. It's been so long since he encountered such scene like this from Lord Damond, that's why he's feeling weird. He couldn't do anything because his young master was tall and big compared to him. Lord Damond's fine muscles and hard tummy that seemed to have abs presses against his body.

[What are you doing?] Ulysses asked anxiously, afraid that an assistant might come or Matron Aurora appears. He was even more troubled because they were at the door. Ulysses wouldn't be even surprised if someone seed what his young master is doing to him.

Lord Damond was momentarily silent on his neck as he hugged him tightly, unfazed of their position. Ulysses was worried his young master might be asleep, or he himself might fall asleep, he wouldn’t last long in that position.

[Lord Damond...] He tried to sign but he wouldn't budge, "L-Lord D-Damond..." He mentioned his name as he tried to push. The young master didn't move, he was just like that and no matter how Ulysses tries to push, he couldn't take him away from him. Lord Damond is stronger and tougher, Ulysses is nothing compared to him.

Ulysses started shaking because his young master still didn't move, his anxiety increased even more. He hopes he don't get fired tomorrow because of his current situation.

"Whiskey..." Lord Damond whispered later.

Ulysses sighed, "W-what, m-my Lord?"

Ulysses arched when Lord Damond's lips touched his neck when he spoke again, "I want whiskey... I need whiskey... Whiskey..."

He was slightly confused by his young master's tone and by what he wanted to happen. He's drunk, and yet he's still going to drink whiskey? And what's happening right now? The young master has been away as if he's already forgotten he has a home and a servant waiting for him, and now that he's back, he's gripping on him for his dear life? Gosh, Ulysses has feelings too. And right now, the poor servant is seriously confused.

The young master is here, finally. But why does it hurt even more? He's been away, with another woman. And now he's back... temporarily in his arms.

[Loving Lord Damond... is so painful.]

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