Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
Trigger Warning: Traumatic flashbacks, r4pe.

It was really dark so Damond had no idea who the hell walked in his room. He immediately hid inside his closet and kept quiet as he was so scared. But there were two silhouettes, the other one is struggling while the other one is being forceful.

"Mom?" he nervously asked but his voice did not came out.

Damond shuddered and cried silently when he realized it was his mom being forced in a sexual intercourse.

"No, stop! What are you doing!" His mom yelled as she struggled. She purposely ran to the closet where he was hiding to close it properly as if she knew Damond was already there, "If Desmond learns about this, he'll kill you, Mr. Estella!" his mom cried.

The man who was Mr. Estella was not even bothered, he forcefully pushed his mom on the bed, "He won't know, he won't be able to make it home."

"What?" His mom cried loudly, "Fuck you, let go! Ahh!"

Damond don't know what to do. He wanted to get out to help his mom, he even tried opening the door but his mom closed it carefully as if intending to hid him there. Intending to protect him no matter what.

His mom was forced to enter his room by a man who had no idea of his presence in that very chamber. But his mom knew he was there, she just couldn't do anything about her situation as she's weaker than the aggressive man. So she chose to hid him there, with all the fear in her.

"No, no, stop! Please stop!" she begged.

But the man continued harassing her, "Hush, your party is over. No one will hear you."

Her mom continued begging, "Please stop. I have a family, I have a—"

"I don't care, I want to have a taste of you."

"No! No!"

Damond was so terrified at the time that all he could do was stifle his cries. He desperately wants to leave the closet, but his mother has trapped him inside. She inserted something to prevent the door from opening. And his mother would be in danger if Damond ever attempted to unlock it. Additionally, there is a strong likelihood that they will be slain. Damond is certain that his mother would always want him to remain in the closet.

"Shout or I'll kill your son."


The man threatened, "I can look for him everywhere. I swear to the heavens to kill your son, he'll soon follow his dead father."

"No, please..."


It was disgusting, it was painful, but most importantly, it was hard for Damond who's dying to help his mom but couldn't do anything.

He silently called, "Mom..."

And it's as if his mom heard him. She looked at his way with tears continuously falling from her eyes. Despite the disgust and fear, her mom did her best to smile at him in secret. His mom signed at him, "It's okay, keep quiet. Please keep quiet. Keep hiding. Keep quiet for me please..."

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