Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The "day" is almost here. The official engagement of Lord Damond will occur soon. Both his mansion and the Estella home are busy. Now that his ideas have materialized, that moment will be most recalled. Since he will formally take over as the Theodore family's head and estate owner on that day. In addition to that, justice will win out in the evening.

The engagement day was meant to happen, Lord Damond made sure of it eversince he swore to his late father's grave that he'll give him justice. He was still a child back then. He saw everything, and he'll never forget that one painful night. So the engagement day cannot be postponed.

Has anyone ever questioned how Lord Damond's name could be so well-known when no one is aware of the whereabouts of his family?

His father died, but what happened? How did he die? How painful was it that Lord Damond has this scheme he's been concealing? And what about his mother?

Lord Damond has been silent all this time, but he was secretly working for the justice he's been aiming eversince he was a child. Eversince he witnessed that brutality that night with his bare eyes.

He's been reserved, but his early years were incredibly difficult. He had kept quiet about his father's passing, despite the fact that it was the most gruesome and upsetting recollection. Despite his wealth and extravagant lifestyle, nobody knows about his mother. His mother's whereabouts are unknown, not even to the Estella family. Only he and his authorized people were aware of his mother's predicament. Therefore, everyone can believe that his mother and father passed away "that night."

It hurts to think about it and pains him to watch as his mother spirals out of control as a result of the trauma she has been carrying ever since that night.

"My lord, your late father would be so proud of you if he happens to be here," his lawyer said.

Lord Damond smiled, "I'm doing this for him, for the estate he left to me. He deserves justice and I cannot just let everything turn into vain. My father and mother deserves justice."

The lawyer smiled holding the envelope full of papers that Lord Damond got sneakily from the Estella house, "I've collected all the evidences. It was clear, what happened that night was entirely their fault."

Lord Damond's face fell serious, "I can't fucking wait for my day."

"Your engagement day?"

Lord Damond smirked, "No, my declaration."

There is more to engagement, thus he has no intention of canceling that day. His hands are prepped, everything is set, and he is ready. He has spent a lot of time on the Estella estate and has accumulated a ton of evidence. He needs to view his sun for the time being. He is so madly in love, which is why his heart beats so fucking quickly.

Lord Damond hurried to the shop to see Ulysses once again. He will try his luck even though he is aware that it will be difficult to see him. Money is irrelevant as long as he can communicate with Ulysses. He is free to spend as much as he likes each hour just talking to Ulysses.

Why the hell is he so in love?

As soon as he entered the shop, Teresa caught his eye. Knowing his intentions, the lady addressed him, "Lord Damond."

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