Beautiful Stillness

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"So tell me. Why were you with that limp dick fuck earlier? Are you enjoying that old fart's company now more than mine? Is that it, Ulysses?"

His voice reverberates inside the big chamber. Ulysses couldn't help but whimper and sigh in fear. His young master is mad because he talked to someone earlier. He's mad because an old man just tried to buy him earlier. He's mad-why is he mad? Why would he be this mad?

The poor mute servant shakily signed, 'No, no, Sire. You got it wrong. It's not what you think-'

His young master's menacing eyes glared daggers at him, "Then what the fuck do you think I think, Ulysses? What the heck do you think is running in my mind right now?"

Ulysses sobbed and got on his feet. He's at his lowliest again, kneeling down almost kissing the floor to beg for his young master's mercy, 'I'm sorry, young master. Please forgive me, I'm sorry.'

"Time for punishment, servant. Bend over." He authoritatively commanded making Ulysses shiver, "You should always remember who you belong. You are under my roof, you are under my authority, you are under my possession, you are fucking mine, Ulysses. Mine alone, just mine."

With those dangerous ocean eyes, Ulysses obeyed immediately as if he don't own himself anymore. He's been marked, his been claimed, he is his.

"You are mine."

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon