Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The morning is still new to Ulysses. He's so not used to waking up and going to a farm first thing in the morning. He still has the habit of grabbing a pale to clean the house and water the plants. He's still used to his everyday routine in the mansion and it's making his chest hefty. How can he move on when he's still so in-love with Lord Damond? And everyday, it's him he always long for. At the end of the day, it's him he thinks of. It's always Lord Damond.

Ulysses still secretly cries every night. Is Lord Damond eating properly? Is he doing well? Does he think of him sometimes as well? Because Ulysses always do, every hour, every minute, Ulysses always think of Lord Damond. It'll be always hard to forget your first love especially when you grew up loving them everyday. It's hard, Ulysses can never move on from this love.

Lord Damond is probably free and happy now. It's already a week and there's no sign of Lord Damond. Deep inside, Ulysses hopes that his master will look for him. But it's been a week and Ulysses never heard of the Theodores again. It'll be only three more weeks before the official engagement. Lord Damond will finally tie and Ulysses will be forgotten forever.

It hurts. Ulysses thought he'd finally be free once he flee from the mansion. But it seems like it's even more painful, because his longing to Lord Damond is getting stronger everyday. It's so hard to reach him, Lord Damond is a star he'll always look up to, he can never reach him.

Ulysses is now residing in an isolated island far away from the Theodore estate. Lord Damond wouldn't even bother knowing the place, it's very far. In the morning, Ulysses travels to a farm to work with his aunt. Then they go back in the small island to work at a shop in the afternoon until the evening. Ulysses is slowly getting used to it, but habits die hard.

"Are you doing fine there, Uly?"

The sun is shining brightly tainting Ulysses's pure skin. He never went out of the mansion before so his skin is whiter among the residents. The people there even calls him beautiful despite being a man.

[Yes sis!] Ulysses ran to his aunt whom he calls sis since they're very close.

His aunt smiled brightly, "All right, let's pack this up and go back to the island."

During his stay, Ulysses noticed a lot in the farm. It looks prosperous, but the farmers don't look good. They look anxious as if the land will be stolen anytime.

[Sis, what's happening in this farm?]

His aunt looked at him with confused look, "Why? You noticed something?"

Ulysses nodded, [You all look depressed.]

She chuckled, "That's right. We're anxious, Ulysses. We're struggling, the farmers are really struggling right now. A noble family is trying to take the entire land. If that happens, we'll lose our livelihood." she furrowed, "If we lose this land, a lot of families will suffer and that includes us."

Ulysses's eyes widened, [Seriously? Nobles have wider estates than this, why are they taking the farmer's land?]

His aunt; Teresa, shrugged, "I've heard that the family is really famous, they're actually known. They have a hefty property. But I think they're planning to buy this land because they're going to build something. Maybe an establishment for business?"

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