Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

After that incident, the Matron never asked Ulysses to serve tea for the masters once again. The Lady from the Estella house stayed for about a week and Ulysses had to suffer from heartbreaks everytime he sees his young master happily talking with the woman.

What's happening to him lately is confusing. He needs answers. He was wrong to feel something towards his young master, he knew it was temporary and yet he still chose to continue his feelings for him. Lord Damond has totally no idea so he can't be blamed, but is Ulysses deserving for this pain? No, this is too much. He just loved him, why is he receiving punishments instead? Is this feeling wrong? Oh, is this why he's hurting? Because this kind of love is wrong and forbidden?

Ulysses held his clenching chest, 'Hurts...'

A few more days passed and the mansion fell silent because the young master left. Ulysses had no idea where he went, he probably stayed at the Estella house. No one visited either so the Mansion was unbearably quiet because Ulysses' sunshine has been away. With the days and nights Lord Damond was not around, Ulysses continued his job. The servants receives good salary at the very end of the month, so he really had to put up with it to be deserving.

The current events are really ruining Ulysses little by little. He misses his young master so bad, but he's probably having a good time with the Lady Estella right now. Oh no, he's actually getting married. He'll soon build a family, and not long after, his kids will be running down the halls everyday and Ulysses will be watching Lord Damond happily play with his loving family.

'Hurts...' That scenario has been playing on his mind and it still hurts whenever he thinks of it.

But... what about the events they spent together? He even claimed him as his, so why is this suddenly happening? Ulysses needs explanation or else he'd go insane. He understands he's not deserving of anything Lord Damond has because he's a literal no one. However, maybe, despite his status, he deserves a little explanation of Lord Damond's actions towards him, right? No... no... then again he realized that what happened to them was just temporary pleasure and nothing more.

Lord Damond claimed him as his because of the momentum heat. That time, Lady Estella was still out of the picture so Lord Damond must probably bored and he's the only toy he could play with. And now that the love of his life is finally around, the young master has no time to play with servants now.

'Hurts...' Ulysses sighed as he gripped his clenching chest, 'Painful... Too much.'

Ulysses went back to his usual routine. Though lacking energy, he still continued to work. The outside of the mansion was clean so he and the other servants are not that tired for the day. Matron Aurora is unbelievably gloomy, maybe she is just like that because there were newcomers. She gets rude to measure how far the newcomer's patience and obedience will go. That also happened to Ulysses during his first day so he truly understand the Matron's mood right now. A servant also made a mistake so the Matron fumed in anger. He also can’t blame her because as the assigned overseer, she needs to make sure his staff is in order.

Oh gosh, what's happening? Everything is confusing right now. This all happened when the young master became busy. He barely visits the mansion as if he's no longer living in there. Is this is it is when you're preparing to create a family?

The days passed again until the last week of month came and Lord Damond still hasn't come back, maybe like any other aristocrats, he was really busy taking care of work. Or... maybe about his upcoming engagement or marriage settlement. Nevertheless, Ulysses thinks he's prioritizing work right now above anything else. He knew Lord Damond, he'll drain himself from work rather than do other things.

They’re busy people, and that’s one of the things he admires about them. They are responsible at such a young age. Ulysses found out that Lord Damond started managing the Theodore estate and business when his father passed away, and he was still young that time. And Ulysses also found out that the young master will bequeath it at the right age because he's the only one in line. And it'll be sooner.

Lord Damond is 24 years old, he's turning 25 the next month, how can Ulysses not be impressed? At such a young age he has achieved a lot. The Lady from the Estella house is very lucky to be married with his young master, he has almost everything. He is still friendly and a good person, despite everything he's done to him, Ulysses could still say that Lord Damond is a good person. It's just that, he's not good for his heart tho. Because until now, Ulysses still have no idea why he always gets nervous whenever he's around. He couldn't explain as to why the young master's mere presence makes him tremble.

One morning, Ulysses stumbled upon a large picture frame that contains the hierarchical tree of the Theodore family. Everyone was good looking and yet he stared at his young master's portrait for a long time. Lord Damond is truly captivating, alluring and undeniably gorgeous. During his daily stay at the mansion since he was a kid, he gradually got to know the Theodore's by listening to the gossip of the servants, and he can say that they were very kind people. Ulysses have nothing to blame on Lord Damond especially his sufferings prior to his unrequited feelings, and hopefully the time that he's finally moved on comes. Because if his feeling don't stop, then he'll die from suffocation and pain.

"So handsome, right?" It was Alfred's voice behind him, another servant, "The Theodores are all good looking and expensive. Especially our young master, I only saw Madam Theodore once but I was immediately impressed," he laughed, "because they're wonderful, it's not new."

Ulysses turned to Alfred and looked at him with a mocking look, "You liked Madam Theodore?" He whispered, "Hey, wake up! That's dangerous!"

Alfred the idiot quickly rebutted back with a sly smile on his face, "Oh, I remember! I once saw Lord Damond approaching the wine room then, all I know is you were there, what happened?" he said in a teasing voice.

Ulysses slapped his arm, [Matron Aurora will hear us. What if we get fired? It's forbidden to fantasize about the Theodores, isn't it?]

Alfred laughed, "Of course, it's forbidden because they're our masters. We were born to serve them and nothing more. We can never reach them, no matter how much we try to fly high, we'll never be able to stand on their level. They're Elites, and were nothing more but saved paupers."

That hurts, that truly hurts. That was reality, Ulysses was just slapped by reality. Then again, he remembered how difference his situation is compared to Alfred. Even if it's only a bluff, the admiration of Alfred towards Madam Theodore was light compared to the love he carries for the young master. It's forbidden, not acceptable. The society abhors it, everyone would hate it.

'Hurts...' How many times did Ulysses got hurt by overthinking? Overthinking could kill a person.

"So since I landed in this mansion, I haven't had a girlfriend..." Alfred joked, trying to lift the tensed atmosphere.

[Wait for that lady of yours...] Ulysses chuckled.

Alfred slapped his arm, "Idiot, come on. I don't want to be fired for dreaming of the Theodores."

Ulysses just shrugged, [Me neither.]

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