Chapter 10 | Mature

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Chapter 10 | Mature

"Aahhh! Aahhhh!"

Ulysses cried in euphoria, his moans echoing throughout the corners of the room. He never thought he could moan like this; like a total slut, a real bitch in heat. But he doesn't care anymore, the sensation and pleasure lord Damond gives him is too much for his fragile heart. He's sweating hard, his eyes welling with glistening tears, "M-master..." Ulysses tried to called.

Ulysses noticed how Damond's cock throbbed bigger and harder when he spoke. The poor servant almost backed out in fear but he was caught and pinned easily. Though stuttering, it was more than enough to drive Damond insane. Fuck! His voice was too much for him. He rarely hears his servant speak, but whenever it mutter word he gets erect like a beast. Damn, he's turning into a monster! A wild animal! He was never like this. With all the sex he had, this is actually the best! Whenever he dominates this servant is his best experience. Fuck! He can't have sex with anyone else other than him now, his body automatically looks for the freckled servant. He was enchanted!

And thinking how some other guy just touched his servant makes him fume in anger. He was really mad earlier when he saw that limp dick fuck touching Ulysses. He freaking wanted to blurt out and ban everyone from touching his property. He had claimed Ulysses, he is fucking his and no one else is allowed to touch him! He was barely hanging from making that man a cadaver, he was enraged. He cannot allow anyone to steal Ulysses away from him. Ulysses is his servant, he can't serve anyone else, not even the King or someone more powerful than him. This fucking servant is his property.

He gradually added more pace and fingers adjusting him mercilessly. Ulysses moaned messily beneath him and Damond enjoyed the view. He was so mad earlier, but seeing him submit to him melts his heart. No, how could he be mad at this soft man? He can never-- but fuck, be can't really stand the memory of that man touching his servant. His anger fumes like crazy.

"M--master!" Ulysses called.

Damond pushed his body against him to bit his earlobe, "My name... say my name..." He said, breathing heavily. Fuck, he's too excited. If he lost his control he'll hurt him and he cannot do that. He enjoys dominating him, he enjoys watching him in pain but that's as long as Ulysses feels pleasure amidst the pain. Ulysses is a masochist, perfect for a sadist like him. So he enjoys treating him like a slut because the servant wants it as well.


He growled and bit his cheeks, "My fucking name, Ulysses." He teased and entered four fingers already.

The servant arched his back and moan loudly, "D-damond! Damond! L-lord Damond!" Ulysses cannot just stop, he wants to yell his name, he wants his voice to reach him; he wants him so bad he's hurting, he wants him so bad he's in pain; "Ahhh! Ahhh! Oohh! Aahhh! Ugh! Ugh!" He cried painfully amidst insane pleasure.

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