Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Mornings were never that awkward and painful for Ulysses until that day when he caught Lord Damond and the lady from the Estella house making out at the terrace. This is why he doesn't want to clean in the terrace ever again, it's the make out place of the couple and it's truly painful. Their official engagement is coming so of course they'd be lovey-dovey to each other, however, it's devastating for Ulysses.

He still clearly remember Lord Damond's last words to him. It just happened several nights ago, and it was their last conversation as well. Since then, the Lord has been busy and Ulysses could not even see a glimpse of him. Whenever he comes back, he's with the Lady from the Estella house. How devastating.

The young master told him to wait for him. But what is this? How could he possibly wait longer when he just get hurt whenever he see the couple together? It's so painful to watch Lord Damond with the lady from the Estella house whose name is Jewel. A truly jewel who'll fall on another gem.


"Good morning, Uly!" Lady Jewel Estella smiled as she stopped making out with Lord Damond.

Ulysses's heart broke with the sight, he bowed as he tried to avoid Lord Damond's gaze, [Good morning, my lady.]

The Lady is sitting on Lord Damond's lap. It hurts to see them so close. Ulysses used to be in Lord Damond's arms, now that he's holding someone else is truly breaking him. What's more painful than witnessing your loved one proudly making out with someone else accepted by the society while hiding you secretly because the world condemns your love? He understands Lord Damond. Their kind of love is forbidden and is being condemned by the world, meanwhile, the world itself pushes Lord Damond and Lady Jewel Estella. How unfair.

"Oh, Damond. Ulysses would be perfect to be your best man." The Lady suddenly suggested.

Ulysses's eyes widened in shock. No, never did Ulysses think of being his young master's best man in his wedding. He better be not go than watch him walk someone not him in aisle. It hurts. Why is this getting more painful? He can never watch him make promises to someone else.

"What do you think, Ulysses?"

Ulysses suddenly got teary, oh no, [I... I think...]

Lord Damond interrupted, "Let's rethink that. He'll be staying in this mansion on the wedding day."

It's painful to hear that he's really getting married to her. Ulysses is so confused of what to do. He wants to trust Lord Damond but how could he possibly keep going on like this?

"But he'd look good and he's your faithful servant too, my love." The lady said, "Don't you want him to witness the best day of your life? I'm sure he'll be happy to see you happy."

Ulysses tried so hard to comfort and contain himself. But truly, he cannot take the situation any longer. His heart is breaking, the nerve-wracking pain is going through his body. He acts as if it's nothing but he wants to wail already. If only he could vanish into thin air he'd done it already. Someone help him out of the situation.

Lord Damond on the best day of his life with her? Oh no, Ulysses can never tolerate that. He couldn't even bear to imagine Lord Damond with someone else, what more of Lord Damond getting tied for the rest of his life? He won't come to their wedding at all, if that wedding happens, he'll flee away. He'd been a faithful servant to the Theodores especially to Lord Damond and it may sound selfish of him to not attend the wedding because of his reasons, but what can he do? He loves him and he's human too, he gets hurt and to watch him tie with someone else is not even the last thing Ulysses would want to do.

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