Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Lord Damond is not in the mood. He woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He's probably affected about his argument with Ulysses last night. He wanted to run in his room and comfort him, but he's worried Ulysses might just get angrier. He wants to explain as well, but he can't, not yet. It's all for the servant's protection anyway.

He did his usual routine but unlike when he and Ulysses were fine, he looks tired and messy no matter how hard he tries to style himself. Damn, he's so worried about his servant. Ulysses's reactions are contaminating, he has the face that can make you smile when he laughs, and sad when he cries. Lord Damond has been thinking about him since last night, he's just holding back to consider Ulysses until he's calm so that they could talk well.

"My Lord, the Lady is waiting for you at the Estate." A servant arrived to inform him.

Lord Damond fixed his tie, "All right, I'll be there."

He immediately walked out of his room. As he stepped down the stairs, he couldn't help but look at the servants’ room. He wanted to see Ulysses before he goes off, he wanted to see him first thing in the morning. He wants to do all of those, but the situation is tight and he needs to be careful.

Lady Jewel has been waiting for him in their Estate. He arrived well to talk about the incoming engagement. The Estellas want the best engagement to be held in the Theodore mansion so they're preparing for a lot. The Theodore estate owned by Lord Damond is huge, a lot of Magnates will be invited since Theodore is a really loud name.

Lady Jewel is being clingy again but Lord Damond is truly not in the mood to do anything.

"My Lord, I'm so excited for our official engagement. I can't wait. I hope next month arrives sooner." The lady said and sat on his lap.

Lord Damond sighed, "It'll be four weeks from now."

Lady Jewel began fondling his face, "I know my Lord, I just can't wait."

Lord Damond tried to be still and smiled to hide his uncomfort, the lady keeps on caressing him, "I have always wanted to get betrothed to you, my Lord. It was my dream eversince I came to mind. You were my dream, my Lord." The lady said, "This engagement really means a lot to me. I hope you're excited as well."

Lord Damond just nodded. He budged when the lady kissed his cheeks, "Aren't you excited my Lord?"

"The tea, please be careful." Lord Damond said and fixed the tea on the table. They're in her chamber, the servants prepared a morning tea and thank the heavens for it, he just made an excuse to avoid the lady.

"I'm sorry." Lady Jewel said and fixed the tray then she went back on fondling Lord Damond, "It's still early for you go around somewhere. How about we have a little moment first?"

Lord Damond sighed and stilled. He doesn't know what to fucking do. He's so frustrated about his argument with Ulysses last night, it's been bothering him until now.

"I love you my Lord..." The lady began kissing him and Lord Damond sat uncontrollably, fuck, "I don't think I can bear a day without seeing you."

Lord Damond couldn't help but think of Ulysses, he didn't even noticed the lady removing her clothes on top of him already.

"Lord Damond, please fuck 'till I can't walk anymore."

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon