Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ulysses shouted, "M-my Lord!" as he hurried to Lord Damond, who was drenched in the rain and appeared to be in a daze.

As soon as he saw Lord Damond, he grabbed him and frantically asked, "W-what are you doing?" Ulysses stuttered, [Let's get inside, please!]

Despite the fact that he appears to be having a dream, Lord Damond stated, "Maybe this is acceptable. I can dance with your ghost, as long as it's you. I can be pleased with your ghost in my imagination."

[N-no, I'm here!] signed Ulysses. [Oh my Lord, my God... Be fine, oh please! Go to the hospital with me! You look pale and you're shaking! The store, let's dry you first,] he stated while attempting to drag Lord Damond into the store.

When Lord Damond refused to move, he almost crouched to drag him. [Please allow us to enter.]

"I see your spirit now, I'm ready to die," says Lord Damond, who is trembling uncontrollably and about to become ill from the constant rain and extended exposure to the cold.

As his tears quickly dropped, Ulysses shook his head and signed, [No, it's me. I apologize for escaping. Please allow us to enter the store.]

Despite his concerned face, Lord Damond's astonished expression could be seen as he sobbed for a minute before coming over in a blur.

As his tears intensified, Lord Damond questioned, "Were you really going to leave me? Were you really going to disappear without a word or a trace?"

As they both sobbed in the damp, chilly night, Ulysses did little more than caress Lord Damond's face.

"Because this time," Lord Damond explained, "I don't know how to locate you. I'm terrified to find you. I'm scared with the possibility that, if I find you, you might just ran away again. Or, worst case scenario, I could never find you again."

[No, I'm sorry.] Ulysses shook his head. [I'm here, I'm not going anywhere.]

Lord Damond made an attempt to speak to him while everything was trembling, asking, "Is it truly you?"

When Lord Damond touched his cheeks, Ulysses lingered there, saying, "It's me."

"Then why... why won't you trust me?" asked Lord Damond as he watched his eyes slowly and painfully fill with tears.

Ulysses sobbed more as he expressed his worries, [Because you confuse me! Despite the fact that you constantly urge me to do so, you remain silent. My Lord, I feel the same fear. I'm concerned that I'm being used and that waiting will accomplish nothing,] he added, holding Lord Damond's hands as well, [It's not that I don't trust you; it's simply that I don't trust myself. I have a lot of insecurities and lack confidence. I'm afraid that because I'm nothing, I'm going nowhere. I'm a man, I'm poor, and I'm mute. I therefore think that I don't deserve you.]

[I'm terribly terrified, and you won't tell me anything,] Ulysses quavered. [How then could I stay put? If you tell me, I'll do my best to comprehend and, if I can, assist you. And if not, I'll do what you say and keep quiet. If you just be sincere with me, I'll do anything you ask.] He added, [so that I wouldn't dwell too much on what I lack.]

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