Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The evening came and Ulysses's anxiety was just confirmed. Lord Damond has finally arrived, he's finally home. Lord Damond just came back... with the lady from the Estella house. Lord Damond came home with a beautiful woman by his side.

And that was the most painful thing Ulysses ever witnessed. To watch Lord Damond smile genuinely and sweetly to someone who's not him.

[Lord Damond?] He greeted nervously at the door.

His young master came to a halt upon seeing him. But he eventually turned his eyes to the beautiful woman beside him, he guided the lady inside first before finally turning to him. With a faint smile, Lord Damond respond; "Ulysses? What are you doing? It's late already! We're you waiting for me?"

Ulysses looked down to hide his tears and nodded. The woman with Lord Damond greeted him with grace.

"Greetings, Ulysses. I heard you were the closest with Lord Damond in this mansion. I hope we get along together as we'll be seeing each other often sooner."

Ulysses' chest throbbed in pain. He remained bowing while nodding.

"He cannot speak, my Lady," Lord Damond explained.

"Oh, I see!" The lady turned to Ulysses, "Let's get along well!"

Ulysses nodded once again.

"I'm sorry, I'm tired. I want to rest. Have some rest as well. Good night, Ulysses." Lord Damond said before walking away with the beautiful woman.

[Good night, Lord Damond...]

Oh no, it hurts so damn much! It's so painful! Ulysses just want to faint and die from his spot. He cannot raise his head anymore. He's afraid he'll run and take Lord Damond away, he's scared to make such mistake. Ulysses couldn't move, he's scared to let anyone see his tears. He's crying, he cannot prevent it anymore. He's going to explode soon with the pain in his heart.

What just happened? Is this all real? What the heck is happening now? They were just fine the other night. He even claimed his nonstop. What's going on now? No, this can't be. Lord Damond... no, he's with someone else now. He's going to spend his night with someone else from now on.

Ulysses finally raised his head and looked at where Lord Damond headed together with the girl. With tears and broken heart, Ulysses smiled; [Loving you... Is the most painful thing I ever did.]

The next morning, Ulysses came to work with a heavy chest. The Lady from the Estella house was still at the mansion with Lord Damond, they're probably having a good time right now. And oh, Ulysses heard another young master came to visit the mansion. The rumors had finally spread across the land and the Elites were visiting to congratulate. Finally, the Theodore and Estella house will unite. Another powerhouse will come to dominate.

Just how fast did everything happen? They were just having a passionate night, Lord Damond even complimented his freckles. Was it all a bluff? Did he do something wrong again? Or... Lord Damond was actually betrothed without his knowledge? And he was just enjoying his free days of being single until his official betrothment?

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