Chapter 09 | Mature

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Chapter 09 | Mature

"Suck me."

Lord Damond's voice echoed in his mind. Ulysses couldn't even grasp properly what he just said. Normally, he'd do his ways unto him, so why is he asking such thing. Ulysses is nervous, he never did sucked anything and anyone before. He doesn't know how to do it, and he's afraid he might disappoint his young master.

[Pardon, young master?]

Even signing a language was already difficult for him. Ulysses is trembling, he felt so small beneath Lord Damond's menacing stares. If looks could kill, he would have been already a cadaver since he entered the room. He flinched when Lord Damond moved a little, even a little movement from his young master makes him paranoid. It's as if he'll be fucked to death and this is his last night. Isn't he right?

Lord Damond inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply before him, sounds like he's annoyed by his reaction, "You're just mute, you're not deaf. And most importantly, you're not stupid. I know you understand me."

Ulysses' eyes welled in tears. That hurts, every little compliment coming from him makes his heart flutter, and to the same extent does his heart sinks whenever he use foul words towards him.

[I'm sorry, young master...]

Lord Damond growled, "Just get to it."

And without any further ado, Ulysses got unto his knees and crawled like a lowly servant to suck his young master off. He was about to use his hands to unbuckle and remove his Lord's pants when his young master slapped his hands retaining him from doing such. Lord Damond gestured him instead to make a full use of his mouth. And so Ulysses weakly obeyed. His eyes welled in soft tears as he bit his Lord's zippers off. Then he removed his pants fully uncomfortably using his mouth.

Ulysses' tears immediately fell off when Lord Damond's cock arose and twitched right before his eyes slapping his cheeks hardly. The young master was already hard when he was biting the zippers off, his bulge was huge and very evident. But Ulysses in his life never expected his young master to be this excited to slap him mercilessly with his big twitching cock. Ulysses held his clock-slapped cheeks in embarrassment. That was hard, and painful. The poor servant felt his cheeks burnt, the chills of embarrassment ran off his body penetrating his very nerves.

But then Lord Damond scoffed making him divert his attention back to his rock-hard cock. Ulysses swallowed hard at first, then he slowly look at his young master who's eventually staring at him intently. Ulysses' heart thumped loud by the way he stared, he immediately drew near his cock to focus. But he became more nervous instead when the cock in front of him danced in anticipation.

'Oh god,' He feels like he'd die before it even penetrates him tonight.

The sound of slurps reverberates the room. Ulysses had just started but his jaw hurts already. His young Master's size is no joke, he's too huge for him he could just take the tip of his cock. He couldn't even finish swallowing the monster cock whole because his jaw was sore already that he thought his mouth would lock. Ulysses' eyes welled up as he noticed liquid oozing from his young master's cock. He had no idea how to suck or do a blowjob, but when he put it in his mouth, his tongue automatically moved to play. He tried lowering his head to go deeper, but he could only play with the tip. He couldn't go down any longer; he was afraid his throat or neck would break. He was afraid he'd die if he swallowed it whole because it was so large and long.

"What? Keep your mouth moving." Lord Damond's voice gave him immediate chills. Ulysses did not even notice himself stopped, he immediately sucked him back but his young master groaned in annoyance instead making him nervous, "Make your tongue useful, baby boy."

And so Ulysses did. He tried his best to dance his tongue against his twitching cock inside his hot mouth. He was already getting weary and tired but he still couldn't please his young master.

"You're bad at this. Let me teach you how." Lord Damond stopped him a bit.

[Y-young master?] Ulysses stared at him.

Lord Damond just smirked making him more nervous, "Hush, open your mouth."

Ulysses did as he was told to avoid any trouble. He re-inserted his young master's penis into his mouth to lick. He was taken aback when Lord Damond touched his head and, without saying anything, he stressed him deeper. He nearly choked and vomit by shock. He hadn't even gotten to the end of it yet, and he was sick already of how big it was. He couldn't breathe, and if it continued, he'd pass out. He also began to notice the strange and unfamiliar odor of the pre-cum that emerged from the monster cock.

"Ugh... You should do it like this, Ulysses. First, breathe through your nose." His young master ordered and he immediately obeyed breathing by his nose slowly, then he guided his head to swallow his cock deeper making him gag, "Lick it like you're licking a popsicle stick. Gently tease the tip, and then suck it with your mouth. Make sure you don't fucking hit it with your teeth." Lord Damond ordered and he obeyed without a word, "That's right. Then slowly open your throat baby, let your young master's cock hit the back of your slutty throat."

'Mggg!' Ulysses gagged when he thrusted fully against his throat hitting the back of it. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he was literally out of breath when his young master did that.

"Ahh... You're a fast learner. Fuck servant, ahh... You're doing good! Keep it up. Now move up and down, slow at first but you have to gradually increase your pace." The Lord moaned and gradually guided him, "Ahh, that's fucking right."

The pace is getting faster and Ulysses' face is welling with tears and sweats already. He couldn't breathe properly, he even tried to stop him but he failed due to the euphoria his Lord was feeling. Ulysses cried harder when he felt his Master's nearing climax.

"Ahh, yes baby, so good..." He moaned as his delicacy rampaged the room, the euphoria his master was feeling spreads throughout the room, "Ulysses..."

He continued moaning his name as his pace moved to a faster extent. His Lord kept calling him, and he just cried under his mercy swallowing every drop he releases. And with one last brutal propel, he came unto his mouth filling him fully with his seeds. Ulysses literally do not know what to do, so he swallowed the cum he released without a word.

Lord Damond withdraw and wiped his mouth immediately, "Wait- stop!" The Lord tried to stop him but it was too late, he already finished the white liquids off, "Why? Why did you swallow it? Spit it out!"

"Mmm..." Ulysses catched his breath, and then stared at his young master with a smile before signing, [Everything that comes from my young master is good.]

Lord Damond bit his lower lip, as if trying to keep himself under control. He couldn't control his feelings for his servant anymore, he's just using that little self-control he had left to keep him from pounding the freckled-face mercilessly. He badly wants to ram into him ruthlessly now. He's trying so hard to retain his control. But he didn't succeed because the demon he was hiding literally came out when their eyes met. Just looking at his freckled face drove him insane, and his twinkling eyes robbed him of his sanity. He just found himself pouncing on him harshly as he threw his defenseless servant onto the bed.

"Oh fuck, you're gonna..." He growled against his servant's ears as he fastly removed its cloth unto the very last garment he had. When he finally took off everything, he inserted two of his fingers without a word in his healthy, firm butthole.

Oh shit, this is going to be a long night.

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon