Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Lord Damond might be a busy person but he never failed to visit Ulysses, not even a single day. He comes back everyday and during the night he goes back home to do some personal stuffs. Nevertheless, Ulysses still don't want to face him. It's getting harder to see Ulysses now. Lord Damond spends a lot of time waiting for him everyday. Instead of working, he waits for him.

Lord Damond slumped and fell so hard. He don't even know how to get up now unless Ulysses lend him a hand. But the beautiful mute guy don't even give him a single glance and it breaks his heart. Lord Damond was never this broken, only Ulysses made him like this. Ulysses was never at fault though, it was always him. Lord Damond admits it all. He deserve his cold treatment, he deserve his dead gaze, Lord Damond accepts it all as long as it's from Ulysses.

Ulysses deserve better and Lord Damond will work hard to be a better man for him. But how do things work? It's so hard, he can't even tame Ulysses now. Does he hate him now? Does Ulysses hate him to death now? Can't he give him another chance? Lord Damond swears to do better!

Ulysses might have fallen first, but he fell fucking harder. And he thinks he's still falling each day. He's gonna fall the hardest, and it's going to hurt especially now that Ulysses is ignoring him. It's too late for him to realize the damage he has done, all he gave him was pain and trauma. So of course Ulysses would run away. But can't he give him another chance? Anyway, he'll wait whatever it takes.

The afternoon came and Teresa came back alone from the said farm.

"Where is he?" Lord Damond asked as he immediately stood up to greet the woman and look for his beautiful Ulysses who's nowhere to be found.

"Greetings, my Lord." Teresa greeted and opened the door of the shop. "You're here again."

"Ulysses?" Lord Damond asked again, he's like a desperate child looking for his home.

Suddenly, Ulysses came out of the carriage carrying a box ignoring Lord Damond. But he bowed at him before entering the shop. Lord Damond's heart broke and Teresa saw it all. How Lord Damond's reaction changed, pain is very evident from his face and only Ulysses could bring out that side of him.

Teresa sighed, "He's not... He doesn't want to see you. I'm sorry my Lord."

"Please let me see him." Lord Damond begged.

"I'm afraid I don't have the right to interfere with his life my Lord. If he says he don't want to entertain you—"

"I'll pay a hundred dollar, please let me see him." Lord Damond offered showing his desperation. He is so fucking desperate to be with Ulysses, to see him, to talk to him, to touch him... Lord Damond wants to do everything with him already.

"My dear sir!" Teresa exclaimed.

"A hundred dollar for every hour, please..."

Teresa composed herself, "My Lord, please refrain--"

"I fucking want to see him..." Lord Damond is showing aggression, he's so desperate and no one will understand him, "Please..."

"A hundred dollar for an hour." he said. "I'm serious. And if you want more I can--"

Teresa sighed and signed the young master to wait. She knew very well that Lord Damond will not give up. Dawn might arrive already and Lord Damond will still be there offering them dollars and begging just to talk with Ulysses. Just what did Ulysses do to make Lord Damond fall for him this hard? No one can even dive Lord Damond's affection, it's so deep!

After several minutes, Ulysses finally came out. And heaven knows how glad Lord Damond was, he might even build another shop at the moment. He missed him so fucking bad. He used to see him everyday in his mansion, they used to make love, he used to kiss him, but things changed and he couldn't do it anymore. He wants to do it again but he respects his beautiful servant's boundary, he don't want to shock him.

[Why do you keep coming back? Please stop this now, my lord.] Ulysses said.

Lord Damond's heart and face broke, "Because I want to see you."

Ulysses was taken aback but Lord Damond continued, "I miss you."

Ulysses looked away and sighed, [Are we done talking my Lord?]

"Ulysses please..." Lord Damond will most likely to crawl right now.

[I've heard your official engagement has been moved and is near already. What do you want me to do, my Lord? I told you, I can't commit infidelity.] Ulysses remarked once again. His heart is breaking as well. He cannot bear to see Lord Damond sad, he wants to go back with him. But what about him and the truth about their situation? He cannot just ignore it! Atleast for Lord Damond.

Lord Damond tried to touch him but Ulysses stepped back, Lord Damond just sighed and backed away as well, "No, no, you'll understand soon. Please, just wait for me. I'll explain everything once I'm done. I can't let you caught up into this mess."

Ulysses started crying again, oh gosh he's so soft, he can never control his tears especially when it comes to Lord Damond. [Why can't you explain it to me now?]


[That only means you don't trust me, my lord. If you want to be with me so bad, you'll trust me.] Ulysses said making Lord Damond fall silent. Ulysses wiped his tears and weakly smiled, [That's it, we should really stop this, Lord Damond. It hurts so much, it's so painful. When I see you, I feel nothing but pain.]

When I see you, I feel nothing but pain...

It was so painful to say for Ulysses, and it was so aching to hear for Lord Damond. They're both in pain, they're both hurting. There's no peace in their love at all, just pain and suffering.

But Lord Damond is determined and more than desperate, "I won't give up. Please wait for me... I'll come back again."

Ulysses just sighed as he knew he can do nothing about Lord Damond's decision. Lord Damond stole a quick kiss in his cheeks and left him a check before storming into his carriage to go back home. And good thing Lord Damond disappeared quickly or else he'll see how Ulysses turned into a tomato that moment.

Will there be an end to their suffering? It's getting more painful each day.

Lord Damond don't know when and how to give up, and Ulysses is at the verge of leaving or giving in. But despite all, no one could ever ignore that fact that Lord Damond spends a lot just to have a minute with him everyday.

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon