Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Lord Damond was not beside Ulysses when he woke up. And that just pained Ulysses. His aching body is too much to handle already, and the thoughts flooding his mind is ruining his morning. It's painful everywhere, from head to toe, to his chest, it all hurts so much. Ulysses tried to move and tears just welled from his eyes early in the morning because of the mixed pain he's feeling.

Did he hear him last night? What if he did? Would lord Damond avoid him for good? What's going to happen to him now? Oh no, he cannot bear it! He don't want Lord Damond to avoid him just because he confessed! But, he was asleep. Nevertheless, he needs to clear things with him. Or maybe not? He should probably be contented with what they have right now. Although it hurts as there is no assurance for him at all, it's enough because he could be by his side.

Ulysses did his morning routines as he tried to sneak into his room without getting noticed by the other servants. They might find him suspicious if they see him coming out from Lord Damond's room. No one has the idea of him and Lord Damond getting together, everyone thinks it's pure servant and master relationship. And Ulysses needs to be careful because he doesn't want other people to talk behind Lord Damond's back just because of him.

It's okay if they blabber about him, but not Lord Damond. He'll not take it lightly. He loves Lord Damond so much it hurts.

Ulysses finally fixed himself but it's still hurting everywhere especially his ass. It's really painful, like it literally hurts. The Matron noticed him coming to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Ulysses! You're late, and you look awful my dear!" She greeted.

Ulysses immediately bowed to show respect, [Good morning it is, Matron. I'm sorry for being late.] He greeted, although the morning is nothing but painful.

"You don't look good, did something happened last night?" The Matron said touching his forehead.

Ulysses shook his head, [Oh, no, no! Nothing at all, Matron...]

He looked around, he couldn't see a glimpse of Lord Damond. Where could he be so early in the morning? Perhaps, roaming around the mansion? He wanted to ask the Matron but he can't.

Ulysses bowed once again, [I should probably go and work now, Matron.]

The Matron just smiled and let him go. Ulysses immediately started cleaning on the windows so that he could roam around the mansion to look for Lord Damond. His master is probably at the terrace. So despite his aching body, he went to the terrace to look for him and secretly observe. However, Ulysses drooped when he found no one in the place. He tried looking for him everywhere, he even visited the garden hoping Lord Damond was there seeking out the fresh flowers. But the young master is nowhere to be found.

Ulysses had a rough day, his body and chest aching continuously. He couldn't find Lord Damond. The weather seemed to join his bereaved heart, because the afternoon came and the rain poured hard. The rain didn't stop sooner, it's evening and it's still pouring though it's now light. Hence, Lord Damond couldn't still be found.

Ulysses is getting anxious, he did not see Lord Damond the whole day. What happened to him? He's depressed, he's desperate... he wants to see him. He wants to hear his sentiments about their relationship. Did he regret what happened to them that night that's why he did not show up? Fudge, he's getting more anxious.

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