Epilogue | Mature

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Epilogue | Mature


The smoke of sweet redolence filled the opulent room, making the night extra arousing and hot. The candle's subtle gray smudge traversed the atmosphere, transforming the twilight into an enlivening ambiance. The curtains were being blown by the wind, giving coldness to the heated pair dancing their silhouettes beneath the blanket.
Both of their bodies were quaking, sweating, and moving in excitement. They exchange uneven breaths, from rapid to slowed sounds of heavy huffs and sighs due to their burning exploits. With each movement of their figures, words come out dearly and sweetly from their mouths.The night couldn't be more special for Lord Damond and Ulysses, who are relishing the nocturnal.
"Aahh, Lord Damond..." Ulysses moans, "Hmmmn."
Lord Damond kissed him dearly as he thrusts his shaft inside him, "Yes baby?"
Tears fell from the bottom's eyes, "Aahh."
Lord Damond couldn't help but curse watching the most beautiful man moan beneath him, "Fuck, I love you. I love you so much." he said as he peppers him kisses.
"Ai," Ulysses stuttered receiving hard thrusts.
"Love," Ulysses cried. "love you..."
"What?" Lord Damond frowned.

"Love you too..."
Lord Damond gradually slowed, saying, "I love you."
Ulysses closed his eyes to feel the moment despite being confused by Lord Damond's reaction. "Love you too?" he replied, not being sure anymore since he was delirious; "Love you more?"

Lord Damond slowed down. "I love you." he repeated.

Ulysses groaned since Lord Damond's pace slowed, "Love you very much."
"What?" Lord Damond eventually stopped, "I said 'I' love you."
Ulysses trembled beneath him, "L-love... you more."
"Who?" Lord Damond bit his neck hard, leaving a swollen and temporary mark. "Hmmn?" he teased as he kept biting his bottom's neck. "Who loves me?"
Ulysses flinched and sobbed in pain and pleasure, "I, me... Who else?"

Lord Damond growled in his ears, "Then say it! Say 'you' love me."

Ulysses chuckled and pampered Lord Damond's cheeks as he slowly reached for his lips to kiss. "I love you..." he said. "I love you so much, my Lord."

Finally, Lord Damond finally smiled and began to thrust again, "Yes, that's it baby. I love you most."

Lord Damond continued moving his hips back and forth, giving euphoria to the frenzied Ulysses underneath him, moaning messily.

"Ahh," Ulysses moans as his tears flow freely like a rushing river, "Ahhh, ooohh, my Lord..."

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon