Chapter 06 | Mature

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Chapter 06 | Mature

Everyone was preoccupied with getting ready for the ball. A ceremony was held at the Theodores' mansion. This is a gathering of Magnates that takes place once a year. Ulysses is dressed in his full servant attire and appears to be in good condition. He was on his way to the dining hall to assist when the most beautiful creature in the mansion appeared in front of him.

The young Magnate Damond Theodore appears in his majestic suit. He looks amazing, as usual. His blonde curly hair is fixed, and his eyeglasses make him appear brilliant and one-of-a-kind. When Ulysses realized his strange smile, he froze and swallowed. After what happened to them that night, they did it over and over again, until the barrier between them was completely removed. Nonetheless, Ulysses still shows his young master the utmost respect.

"You look so pretty today." The young master greeted.

Ulysses bowed in shame and signed, [I'm not a girl, young master. I'm not pretty.]

Lord Damond kept coming up to him and arranged his hair in his ear, "You can be pretty too. Look, my cock is throbbing just by the looks of you."

Ulysses' eyes widened as a result. He was well aware that his boss was acting in this manner because he wants to do it. He is still not accustomed to this recurring incident. Whenever his young master wants to do it he will do it as long as no one else sees, his boss has no consideration, Lord Damond would do whatever he wants and no one could stop him, not even a public ceremony.

[Young master, we can't do it here.]

But the young master pulled him into a corner and began showering him wet and sloppy kisses, "Shut up. I'm going to be quick."

Ulysses moaned and thrashed away, [But Young Master, the other nobles will arrive soon. The other Barons might see us!]

Damond growled and Ulysses stopped fighting, "I said I'll be quick. Are you defying me now?"

[No, young master. I'm sorry.]

"Turn around."

Ulysses did nothing but follow. Damond quickly removed his lower back pants and gently inserted his finger into his ass hole. Ulysses moaned due to the pleasing sensation. The young master began kissing his nape, to his shoulders and neck while fingering his ass.

"Hngg, young m-master..."

Not long after when he's loosen enough, the young master unbuckled his pants and immediately inserted his throbbing cock inside his clenching hole. Then the young master began penetrating at a merciless pace. They're at the fucking corridor! It may be some corner but still a public place.

"Aahhh, ahhh, hgnnn..."

"Hush, if you don't want everyone to find out you have to be quiet. You can't speak but you're fucking loud during sex." The young master covered his mouth. But Ulysses still couldn't really stop howling as his young master rail his back.

"Aahh, hmmm, hmmm, ughh,"

The young master stopped and turned him around, "Cling unto me."

Damond carried Ulysses in his pelvis, then he began pounding onto him harshly making the servant a moaning mess beneath him.

"Ahhh, hmmm, hmm, huff, huff, young master, ahhh,"

"What?" The young master chuckled.

"Can't, ahhh, can't keep quiet, aahhh."

"You have to." Damond whispered, "Kiss me."

Ulysses reached for his young master's lips almost immediately. Damond soon began licking him, as if he were starving. His sanity is deteriorating as a result of his master's expert tongue's dominance. The overwhelming sensation caused Ulysses to cry. His young master is quite large, and he frequently strikes his prostate.

"Shit, I'm near,"

"Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!"

"Hush! Hush!" His boss stopped him after his voice echoed in the hallway of the mansion. They're just having sex in public. Ulysses became concerned that someone might have seen them and cried out in fear and dizziness.

"Hit, you hit, ahhh, ahhh, there, there, you hit, ahhh!" Ulysses cried when he felt his prostate getting hit hard several times. His eyes rolled up in euphoria, he's feeling really good with his young master's every thrust.

Damond chuckled because of his reaction, "Oh, I hit your spot? I'm sorry, I'm big and long, I'll keep on hitting it at ease."

"Aahhh, ahhh, ahhh."

Ulysses' voice continued to dominate the area. His young master mercilessly rails his prostate and it's making him wild. The grip on his ass tightened and he tightly wrapped his legs around his waist.

"All right, moan louder for all I care. So that everyone in this mansion would know you're mine." Damond growled in his ears and Ulysses cried in ecstasy.

"Ahhh, ahhh, no, ahhh, can't, can't, ahhh, young master!"

"Huff, huff, hooh, ahh," Even Damond's moans were becoming louder.

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, argh!" Ulysses's eyes rolled back, his tears continued streaming down his freckled face.

The young master began nibbling his soft spots, then he whispered; "I'm coming. Let's come together, come on."

"Hmmp! Ahh, ahhh." Ulysses' voice literally echoed as Damond even thrusted his weapon into his hole harder, "Aaahhhh!"

Few more thrusts and they were both moaning in ecstatic pleasure as they both reached their summits together. Ulysses wrapped his legs around his young master's pelvis tighter as Damond shoot his seeds inside the messed servant.

They both held their breath. Ulysses was then gently lowered by his master and was wiped clean. They were in the midst of cleaning when someone blew a horn outside the mansion.

"I'm sorry darling, you have to clean yourself. My guests have arrived." Lord Damond whispered and showered him kisses.

Ulysses did nothing but nod, [Yes, young master.]

He did a few more wipes on him before he finally said goodbye, "I'll see you later.

Ulysses sighed as he looked at himself. His young master's cum is dripping down his buttocks. He hurriedly dressed and rubbed the wall where his sperm had landed. He cleaned his own body after cleaning the hallway. He went straight to the hall, exhausted, to serve the wealthy.

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon