Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"The tea!" Lord Damond instead blurted out breaking the tensed atmosphere.

Ulysses shuddered as he was startled, [I--I'm sorry, did I interrupt you with something?] He tried to ask as if nothing happened changing the heavy ambiance.

"Oh, no, Ulysses. We're good!" The Lady Estella answered instead. She probably noticed how tensed the men were.

[T-then, I'll have to go--] Ulysses was about to leave when he hit a cup causing the tea to overflow.

"Oh gosh! Are you all right?" The lady exclaimed worriedly.

"Ulysses..." Lord Damond's voice echoed in his mind despite the lowness.

Ulysses desperately bowed and signed, [I'm sorry, I'm fine. Please, don't worry about me. You can continue what you're doing, I'm good.] He needs to get out of the place, he's about to cry.

"You were probably hurt!" Lord Edmund blurted out grabbing the servant's hand.

Ulysses tried to take his hand back, [I'm fine, my Lord. Please enjoy the morning.]

"What's going on here?" The Matron finally came immediately asking them. She walked past Ulysses and approached the Elites, "My dear masters, why aren't you having the served teas yet?" She asked immediately referring to the aristocrats.

"Good morning, Matron," Lord Edmund greeted and hugged the Matron. That's how probably aristocrats greet each other or other people, no malice in anything, they're just naturally sweet. That's why Ulysses shouldn't give a different meaning if they pay attention to him or treat him good. They're probably just curious about him because he's mute, because he'll actually do the same if he's on their shoes.

Ulysses breathed a sigh of relief because Matron Aurora didn't scold him, and her appearance had also broken the strange wind that had intervened between the three of them. Ulysses couldn't understand what wind had gone through them, but he wasn't comfortable and has no plans to understand anything further.

The lady Estella lend a cup to Lord Damond and the young master accepted in gracefully.

"What do you need, son?" The Matron asked the young master again then gave Ulysses a questioning look. Seems doubtful of the atmosphere.

"Whiskey, Matron..." Lord Damond replied.

The Lady Estella gasped and Lord Edmund giggled. It's too early to have a whiskey! Why is Lord Damond asking such a drink early in the morning?

"I'll just order..."

Lord Damond cut her off, "No, what else is my servant here for? He should probably get the whiskey for me, though he might get lost..." he said and laughed. It seemed like Ulysses would get lost in search of his Whiskey. He was never at the Alcohol section, he roams around the mansion to clean but he's never been on the room of alcohols.

Matron Aurora turned to Ulysses, he could tell she didn't want to let him either but she couldn't do anything because it was the young master who ordered it.

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