Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Lord Damond was crying as he drove to the location he thought would provide him with comfort. Even though the event hasn't even concluded properly, he drove to the store right away to visit Ulysses as promised after defeating the Estella family. Mr. Estella was apprehended by the police, the engagement was called off, and he had no idea what happened to Lady Jewel.

His mom was brought to the nearest mental hospital as she started having seizures. Lord Damond would go insane if he stayed any longer in the mental hospital where his mother was admitted. He only needs one person this evening because he was unable to endure the anguish any longer. His life's love, his peace, and his solace. He is eager to see Ulysses, and the worst thing that might happen if he doesn't see him is to die brutally.

His inability to stop crying caused his eyesight to become blurry as his childhood memories came flooding back. Although it is excruciatingly unpleasant, he is all too familiar with it.

That night,

Everyone was occupied and appeared bright. The visual appeal of the colors screams for perfection. The evening wear, lighting, chandelier, and cream walls with gold frames all attracted attention. The gates and doors were tan brown and wide open. Luxury vehicles confidently pulled up and parked in front of their large home.

Each person's grins are clearly visible, but the roaring, sharp lights of the night sky never stop flashing. Just the tenebrous night, which little Damond despises the most, with no stars or moon. Even though the event hasn't yet begun, it is about to rain.

He softly said, "Happy birthday mum," to his mother. "Please accept my simple gift," he said as he slowly handed her a small box wrapped in his favorite color, blue metallic foil, and silver ribbon. "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to buy you an expensive gift so, uh, I just made it myself," he added.

"Wear your suit, my son, the party is about to start. I'll see you downstairs. We'll wait for your father's arrival." His mother grinned and patted him on the head, saying, "Thank you, my son. I really appreciate your gift," giving him a loving hug and kissing his forehead.

Damond thought he should be pleased as he took a look at his black suit and tie. He'll be well known tonight. Even though it is not his birthday today, he will be presented in front of the wealthiest individuals in the industry. He is a Theodore, and his family is very well off. Even though he shouldn't, the evening seems terribly bizarre to him. Although the good days seemed to pass quickly, the melancholy that follows them lasts a very long time.

He is unsure of why he is feeling this way, but it doesn't feel right and something seems off. Is it his suit? or the actual evening?

A servant entered his room and said, "Young master Damond, you are asked by your mom. Let me assist you with that, young master; you must move quickly since they are waiting."

As he watched the butler style his hair and put on his suit, he grinned in front of his mirror. He slowly put on his accesories while gazing in wonder at himself in the mirror.

"So, this is how I look like wearing formal?" He smiled. He used to wear simple ties only, this is actually his first time to try a very formal suit and tie. "How do I look, Cecilia?"

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