Chapter 04 | Mature

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Chapter 04 | Mature

The night was still young. How many times did Ulysses ponder whether he should go to his young master's room or simply sleep? He was afraid it was a joke, but he was even more afraid his young master was serious about what he said and was expecting him. After a few moments of deliberation, he chose to simply go to its room; if it wasn't true and told him he was stupid, at least he complied.

When he arrived at his chamber, he carefully knocked on his door. And he was taken aback when his young master's angry expression caught him off guard. The room was semi-dark. He's sitting on a chair facing the door, probably waiting for him. Arms crossed across his chest, brow furrowed, and eyes ablaze.

Ulysses' anxiety increased as a result. His young master didn't appear to be in a good mood, his brow furrowed as he stared at him with determination. If looks could kill, he'd be dead the moment his young master's piercing glares struck him.

"What did I tell you?" His low voice echoed in the room. It was low but the tone of anger was evident.

Ulysses just looked down in fear.

"I've told you not to be late, right?"

When his young master stood up and approached him violently, Ulysses backed away in hasty manner. Even before he could get out of the door, Lord Damond violently drew him in, shut the door, and pushed him up against the wall. Lord Damond snatched his neck and repeatedly licked, sucked, and bit him. He simply weakened and was supported by Lord Damond's shoulder because he was on the verge of collapsing.

"Are you fucking with me? Am I a joke to you?"

Tears streamed down his freckled cheeks. As he bent down, he shook violently. He withdrew his hands and pleaded in sign language.

[No, no, young master, I'm sorry.]

Lord Damond hauled his hands over his head and gripped it tight that his knuckles turned white. His young master angrily growled against his ears and nibble his earlobe making him whimper in tickling sensation. Ulysses couldn't do anything but moan and whimper, soon, his small sobs began pondering around the chamber.

Lord Damond pulled away, "Haa, and here I was planning to be gentle but you just ruined the mood. You fucking slut you thought I'm someone you can ditch?"

Ulysses looked up and tearfully stared at his young master. He just shook so quickly.

[No, no, no, young master.]

"You're planning to ditch me, aren't you? Go on. Go now and I'll fuck you in front of everyone." His young master angrily spat making him tremble even more. Ulysses' heart was pounding like hell. His trepidation is palpable. When he arrived in his young master's chamber, he had no idea this would happen. To sign his response, he withdrew his hand once more.

[No, I'm sorry young master, it won't happen again. Please forgive me, I'm sorry. I will repent for what I did, I'm sorry. Please forgive me...]

Ulysses' eyes welled up with tears. Lord Damond quickly wiped it away. When Ulysses looked at his boss, the young master was grinning. It was a venomous grin, not a sweet one. His eyes twitched in rage as a mere servant shook his pride.

"Now, now, calm down. I'm not yet starting but you're crying already? What a fucking slut you are." Lord Damond moved away to pick a maid suit.

"Strip." The young master commanded.

Ulysses queered in confusion, [Pardon, young master?]

"I said strip. You're just mute, you're not deaf, damn it."

Ulysses' chest felt that heavy. He blinked back her tears. Just as his boss had instructed, he undressed. The lower covering was all that was left of him. He caught sight of his peculiar grin once more. He was simply trembling with fear.

He had imagined and dreamed of this moment, and it was all exciting and fun. But now that he was in the situation, he just wanted to disappear into the darkness because he was nervous and afraid. His young master had an odd demeanor. Far, far away from the man he had previously known. Now he's cornering him with his authority, his imperious aura making him easily submit. His domineering presence compelled him to obey like a good bitch.

"Change into this maid suit." The young master commanded and threw the outfit to him. "Now or else-"

[I'm sorry, young master. I'll do it. I'm sorry.]

Ulysses quickly dressed in front of his boss. He was very conscious of his acts. His young master is staring at him intently, gently watching every inch of his movements. And that's how shame swallowed him when he realized what he looked like.

The outfit is far too exposed. It was just short enough that half of his legs were visible. Fortunately, he doesn't have any hair. His body is smooth, which is one of the reasons why he looks like a woman. The shirt has a heart-shaped cut on the chest, his nipples are visible, and it wraps his thin waist fitly. Why is he dressed in this manner?

"Bend over. Let me see your ass." Damond commanded him recklessly.

He was stunned for a moment but a sharp look made him almost crawl to follow. He followed with tears in his eyes and bended over in front of his young master.

Ulysses whimpered when his young master lifted the skirt, saying; "Fuck, how could you have such a perfect ass?"

Ulysses let out a moan when the young master caressed his ass cheeks. It was slow and teasing. Lord Damond's expert hands is making him move his hips on its own. Ulysses cried loudly when his master ripped his underwear, and soon his loud screams and moans echoed around the room when his butt suddenly received hard spanks.

"Hngg, ahhh...!"

Lord Damon began to strike his plump ass. He even felt the palm of his young master's hand bounce on his ass. He could feel the pain of each blow, but it carried a strange feeling. It feels so different. It should be unbearable because it was hard and loud. Yes, it was painful but the pleasure was exceeding.

"Don't hold back. I want to hear your moans. Come on."

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