Chapter 02 | Mature

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Chapter 02

Damond drew closer. The groans are becoming more audible. Someone has mentioned something. Suddenly, he couldn't tell if it was alone or with a companion. But he only hears one voice, and no one else is huffing. Did he hear it right? No, he must hear it clear. He doesn't want to make judgements within making things clear. It's troubling him so much.

"Ahhh, ahh, hnng, young mas-master, ahh, oohh, hngg..."


What the fuck?

Damond's pupils dilated with surprise. He instinctively stood in front of the door and paused to listen. Its words were hazy, but its growl was as clear as crystal water. It has limited speech and is still muffled by loud growls. He adjusted his glasses and put his ear to the door; it's clearly a servant.

"Hnngg, young, young master, ahhh, ahhh, sorry..."

The servant began to cry and Damond shivered in anxiety and disgust, but there's actually more to disgust. He's not really disgusted, it's just an initial reaction when a person finds someone masturbating his name. More like shocked, and that's what Damond felt. He's shocked with the fact someone's masturbating on him. He was supposed to be mad, but the way this servant whimper his title just makes his cock twitch.

And the servant has the guts to apologize? Is it thinking of fucking him? No way, Damond will never allow that to happen. He better crash that servant's dreams before it gets to deep.

"I'm sorry, ahhh, ahhh, I-no-shame, ahhh, 'tis good..."

What the actual fuck?

He peeked through the slightly opened door, and that's how his eyes widened when he saw a man - bending over touching his ass hole?

What the fuck is this behavior?

He thought he was jacking off!

Oh, the servant is jacking off while fingering his asshole. It was a new sight, a completely new perspective for him. When he saw how the male maid's hand went up and down his cock while the other was playing with his ass, Damond started sweating profusely. The servant moaned his title while his finger went in and out.

There is no other young master in that Mansion except him. He's still not the master yet. He can only become the Magnate if he lives alone in the mansion; if he marry and have a child; and if he reaches the appropriate age. But he'll be the master soon enough because he's of the right age. When it comes to the 25th year, the child without a Father becomes a full-fledged Magnate in the mansion of the Theodores. That's an unspoken rule in their family. And he'll be 25 soon.

"Ahhh, ahhh, hnngg..."

His eyes paused on the servant's ecstatic reaction for a moment, and in that moment, the background blurred as his eyes was suddenly focused on his face. Damn, the servant got the face. He has freckled face, his freckles is all over his cheeks, looking like stars painted on his soft skin.

"Lord Damond..."

Damond never thought a man could be beautiful like this, no, actually, this freckled face is a lot more beautiful than any other female servants in his mansion. His heart throbbed, there's no way he should be feeling this. This is wrong, isn't it? He should be mad, but why is he so drawn on the servant's beauty? Damond was totally captivated as the servant's eyes rolls up and down with ecstatic face.

"Ahhh, ahhh, hmmp, master..."

The freckled face is a man, the servant is a male, but how could he be this beautiful? And his body is nothing masculine, so why does Damond find it attractive. Damond like guys with muscles, he's not gay for them, he just adore that kind of body. He never thought he'd literally be whipped for a skinny small body he could just crash beneath him.

"My lord! L-lord Damond..."

If he ever pounds on him and pins him on bed, this servant can never fight back due to his size. However, Damond still finds it attractive. Is he being a horny jerk right now?

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!"

As the servant's fingers went in and out of his hole incessantly, the ups and downs of his hand on his wet cock accelerated. He let out a long growl as white liquid erupted from its medium penis. Damond noticed how the servant opened his mouth to gasp and moan, his eyes rolled back in ecstasy, and tears streamed down his freckled face jovially.

"Aaahh! Ughh!"

He came, the servant fucking came and Damond's cock throbbed inside his pants wildly. The servant is masturbating and for fuck's sake he just stood up and got rock hard. The freckled bastard just managed to give him a boner. Damond's cock is throbbing and twitching painfully inside his pants.

Damond dashed to his chamber to yank himself out. He couldn't believe it; he'd not only been hardened and stood up, but he'd also been let out. It was the thought of that servant that drew him there, and that's where it all began. His obsession with him; with his lovely moans.

And since that day, he developed a fetish of hearing his moans. It's a venomous addiction he can never get rid of.

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon