Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The weather was pleasant all day, giving no indication of the impending disaster that was hiding beneath the early twilight light. The mansion's shuttered gates, tranquil halls, and grand rooms were all soothing to think about. From dawn till mid-afternoon, the sentinels on duty, the aristocrats likely doing their own thing, and Lord Damond conversing with other people were now overrun with people seeking joy and revelry in the mansion during a peaceful night.

Who would ever thought that this day would finally come? Lord Damond looks glorious and everything is set and dazzling including Lady Jewel. Everything is beautiful and excited, but no one in the Theodore mansion is more excited than Lord Damond who holds an impending disaster that looms behind a beautiful night.

"What a beautiful night! Glorious!"

The guests happily greets, "Two beautiful and powerful souls will unite this evening."

The aristocrats' conversation and laughter was accompanied by soft music, and the aroma of sweet pastries and new flowers permeated the room for a considerable amount of time. Around them, wealthy people sat in groups of two and three, some sipping wine together while others unwinding alone.

"What a perfect match. A Theodore magnate and an Estella princess."

"So what will be the highlight for this evening? Is it the declaration of Lord Damond or the engagement is prior?"

"Perhaps, both."

"Will there really be an engagement tonight?" Lord Edmund smirked.

"Are you insane? Of course."

The visitors tried to stop the aristocrat who probably has the idea of what would happen, "Don't say stuffs like that. The celebrants might hear you."

As the evening went, the program finally began.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Indeed, a beautiful night as everyone is looking dazzling and gorgeous!" The master of ceremonies began to speak. "I know everyone has an idea of tonight's event. But I won't let this long as I'd like to announce the declaration of Lord Damond Theodore as the official leader, owner, and magnate of the Theodore estate. Ladies and gentlemen, a big round of applause," he said.

The loud cheers and greetings from the aristocrats echoed in the hall. Even the Estella family happily stood up to clap.

"Congratulations, Lord Damond."

"Hooray for our young Magnate! You've come to age, congratulations!"

"Thanks," Lord Damond smiled.

"Your father must have been so proud."

Lord Damond's eyes sharpened, "Yes he is. He will be."

"And as well as your mom," his lawyer added.

"Talking about your mom," a magnate suddenly asked, "I really have no idea what happened to her. If it's not a trouble, would you mind me asking about her?"

Lord Damond just smirked, but concealed behind that smirk is a dark face full of hatred and pain.

The master of ceremonies remarked, "Glorious, it's just the declaration but the night already became momentous, hence the thrill is just yet to come. As our Lord Damond finally became one of the most prosperous Magnates, the owner of the substantial Theodore estate, tonight would be more significant as his engagement—"

Beautiful Stillness ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon