Oh Yeah, There's Something About Chu

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I went to bed giddy and woke up still smiling. It was safe to say that I officially had a crush on Marshall, but I was going to try to not take it so seriously. We only met a little over a week ago. I couldn't tell what was going to happen between us just yet.

I arose from bed to smile in the sunshine when I opened the curtains in my bedroom and was bombarded by two little girls flinging my bedroom door open and jumping around in their jammies. "Mommy!" I gave them both kisses and led them to the kitchen to make Saturday morning pancakes.

Laney called before noon to offer to watch my daughters that night so I could get a night off. Somehow, I knew Marshall was behind this.

"Yeah, so we'll just watch movies and pop some popcorn. I'll drop them back off tomorrow morning. My Uncle said he'll pick you up around six."

There it was!

"He could ask me himself." I gently reminded her.

"I know. You don't have to go if you don't want to. He's not trying to force you into this, he just knew that you probably wouldn't have a babysitter so he wanted to be sure you could make it. My uncle really likes you Val, and you too would be so cute together. Just give him a chance."

I had to admit, I was excited that Marshall had bought me a Saturday night without kids to go out and enjoy myself. Especially if it was with him. I just worried that my kids would be ok being away from me even if it was only for one night. They seem to be well-adjusted after all the things they both witnessed, especially Cassaundra. She took the brunt of it and was known to experience separation anxiety when she was away from me when I wasn't with her.

"Laney, of course I want to see him again. He's sweet." I said quietly.

"My Uncle is sweet? Aww." She laughed. "Ok, I'll be there to pick them up this afternoon."

My daughters and I had a relaxing morning as we ate our breakfast and I packed little overnight bags for both. Then I tried to figure out what I was going to wear that night. I didn't have a lot of nice or fancy clothing. I managed to pair up a beige tank top I had with a button-down red cardigan over it. I laid it on my bed to change into later. I also pulled out a pair of brown boots that go to the knee and a red handbag to match. It wasn't a luxury bag, but it made the outfit pop.

In the afternoon, I opened our apartment door to Laney standing in the hallway.

"Who's ready for a sleepover?!" Laney extended her arms.

"YAY!" My daughters ran over to hug her.

It was a good feeling to have someone watching my kids who I trusted. Cassaundra and Bella had really taken to Laney. They could sense she was a good person.

I no sooner helped them to the car to strap them in and send them on their way than my phone rang.

"Hey, so I heard you don't have the kids tonight. Can I take you out?" Marshall's voice sounded low and raspy on the other end.

"Yes, I just sent them off with Laney." I giggled. "That was actually a clever plan Mr. Mathers."

"I just want to see you again tonight. I know you don't have a lot of time during the week, and I don't want to wait any longer. We'll grab something to eat and leave the rest to me girl."

I hung up with Marshall to start getting ready for the date which included taking a shower, shaving and applying lotion to my legs, and putting on a bit of makeup. I paired tight jeans with my cardigan. It was formfitting, yet classy and respectable. I pinned my hair up with some curly tendrils framing my face, mascara on my lashes, and a bit of red on my lips.

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