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AN: I can't believe this is the 100th chapter! This story is way longer than any of my others, but I'm glad I decided to write it. Thank you all for coming on this ride with me and for reading, voting, and writing your lovely comments!

Unfortunately, the end is drawing near...


I quickly learned what Marshall meant about being under the radar. I purchased the biggest pair of black sunglasses I could find and left the house with a hoodie covering my thick hair most of the time as to not be spotted. It hadn't happened much, but I was approached by a group of girls at the grocery store asking if I was Eminem's wife. Some of the moms at the girls' school treated me differently now as well. It's amazing being married to Marshall, but at home he's just a regular dude.

I received messages from Stans every day. I'm not sure how they were able to find my Facebook and Instagram or how they knew my name, but Marshall's fans were relentless with questions. Some of them were nasty, some were obsessive, but most were from sweet, supportive fans telling me how happy they were for Marshall and me. And of course, a lot of them are to inquire if I am in fact pregnant in that picture because the I was standing wasn't an obvious baby shot.

Marshall, Paul, our family and I were now boarding the plane to go to New York for the next three days as the girls had a long weekend from school and it was still surreal to be flying on a private jet all the time. Marshall was doing an interview with Sway mainly to talk about the new album, but also to talk a little about the new things going on in his personal life which is something he's never done before.

"How does this usually work? Do you guys talk about the questions before he asks them or is it more just on the spot?" I was referring to Marshall's infamous interviews with Sway Calloway as I sat back on the luxurious couch to rub my pregnant stomach.

"Yeah, it's practically scripted. Paul takes care of all that shit." Marshall nodded towards Paul toward the front of the plane, "And I've done a shit-ton of interviews with Sway. He knows the right shit to ask." Marshall laid down to place his head by my stomach and pulled his Kangal over his eyes for sleep.

"So...are you going to mention us?"

"Yep." Sounded from under the cap.

I rubbed his head for a few seconds, "You're not expecting me to say anything, right? I'm not going to be on camera."

"Nah, we don't need to do all that. Sway knows right how to set it up, and I'll knock em down."

I laughed at the way he explains things.

"I know right how to do this baby. You don't have to worry about anything. I said I was gonna always take care of you and you can trust me Val." He rubbed my belly and kissed it, "Everything will be cool."

I slept for a while on the plane but awakened to Marshall shaking my arm telling me we were about to land. I powdered my face, reapplied lip gloss, and straightened out my maternity jeans and t-shirt before putting my sneakers back on my feet in preparation to arrive in New York City.

Here goes nothing...


Sway greeted us in the top floor in some studio located in a skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan. He was friendly and respectful, just as I remembered him to be. He congratulated us once again on our new marriage, asked how the pregnancy was going, and cracked jokes with Marshall. Sway had a way about him that made me feel comfortable in his presence. I knew I was in good hands.

I sat with Marshall as he went through makeup and wardrobe for the show while sipping on a Red Bull. I was excited for my husband. As much as people want to say he's not relevant anymore, Marshall is the one true Rap God. I will be waiting in anxious anticipation until this interview is edited and airs. Everyone will be glued to their phone watching to see if Marshall mentions the picture he posted to his social last month with us in our wedding attire. And my identity will truly be revealed.

Marshall POV

"Ya'll ready to be history?"

Sway began the interview laid back and relaxed straight off the bat. Or rather I did when I pulled out an old vinyl from back in the day when Sway had bars. That set the tone at ease, and I slumped back into the chair. I felt Val's presence from on set with Paul and the rest of the crew. I always wanted my girl to be proud of me.

Sway brought up the fact that Kamikaze was a surprise album and questioned why I chose to do it in that fashion. I talked about the comparison of Revival and how most everybody was saying it was trash before it even came down the pipe. I didn't want anyone to form an opinion before they listened to it. I continued talking about my other albums and how I've learned from mistakes or weird things I was writing about at the time.

I took some time to clarify the beefs that happened with Budden and MGK explaining to the best of my knowledge what went wrong. Budden is a fucking whiny bitch trashing me every chance he gets and MGK needed to be put in his fucking place. I don't give a fuck about him or his career. I was also glad to get an opportunity to explain why D12 was no longer a thing which was that Proof birthed D12, and it was never the same without him. It just wouldn't work nowadays in this hip hop climate.

Sway acknowledged that our friendship spanned over all my bullshit since the nineties. He has known me through all the highs and lows from starring in 8 Mile to going through two divorces. Releasing my life changing Marshall Mathers LP and then getting arrested for some bullshit involving Kim and pistol whipping some dude that same month. Being the first rapper to win an Oscar as well as going to rehab, Sway had been there for it all. He had always been supportive through the years and recognized that I was in a good place these days. It's amazing to go through that and come out the other side.

"How did you get to this place man? Did you do therapy?"

"Nah, my music is my therapy."

I explained that I write all the time. Every fucked-up thought in my head is translated in rhyme. I don't use most of the shit I write, but it's always been my outlet.

I quickly added, "And the love of a good woman. My wife is really cool, she listens to me, she gets me."

Sway raised his eyebrows, "I'm glad you opened the door man. So, when did you tie the knot again?"

I tried to hold back a knowing grin, "Last month. And uh..."

"That's a huge deal man! Congratulations! And uh...you got any other news you'd like to share?" He smiled as he prodded.

"I'm gonna be a dad again at the beginning of the new year."

"That's incredible! Well, you heard it here folks," Sway looked toward the camera, "Eminem, Marshall Mathers is newly married and going to be a father again."

"Yeah, I remained sober and doing me for so long, and everything else finally fell into place."

"So how long have ya'll been together?"

I looked directly at Valentina behind the scenes as I answered slowly, unsure of myself, "I think like, a year and a...it's a little over a year and a half now, right?" I asked straight to Val.

"Yes." She answered quiet as a mouse while nodding her head.

I smiled back at her beauty, "C'mere baby." I motioned for her to come join me.

Val looked at me like a deer in headlights for a moment, then timidly inched toward me and into the view of the camera lens.

"C'mere." I reached out to my wife, and she wound up taking a seat on my knee, "This is Valentina. My wife."

Sway grinned, "You threw me off with this. Hi Val, welcome."

She smiled and rested her arms around my neck while my hands wrapped around her belly. I finished the interview with Val by my side. She spoke a single word here and there and smiled, but nothing profound was covered. It felt good just to have her there to formally announce our marriage to the world.

When we get home to Detroit, media's gonna be off the fucking chain asking for interviews!

Who is the real Valentina?

Will the real Valentina please stand up?

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