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A/N: I'm sure Venom was filmed way before Kamikaze actually dropped, but for the sake of the story Kamikaze is dropping the next day. I'm not exactly certain of all the dates of interviews or events, but it seems likely that Marshall spent a good amount of time working in New York at this period of his career. Enjoy...

Approximately 4 weeks later...

Marshall POV

I got a song filled with ish for the strong-willed

When the world gives you a raw deal

Sets you off til you


I walked the halls of the Empire State building as they filmed me rapping Venom, a new song on Kamikaze. It was not only a promo for the new album, but a project that was two years in the making. Me and my people were a piece in the partnership of Pixel, The Empire State Building, and The Jimmy Kimmel Show. This video would be premiering on the Kimmel show next week, the album drops tomorrow!

There were a shit ton of people around. The director, producers, lighting directors, visual effects, the Kimmel team, the Shady team. I was only allowed to have three guests with me, so I chose Valentina, Hailie, and Hailie's boyfriend Evan. Laney stayed back at the hotel with Val's little girls.

It was a dope concept I was thrilled to be a part of, and the angles they filmed me at using only a phone were crazy. We shot the downstairs scenes first as I gradually ascend the stairs and then shot the appearance by Porter.

After about two hours into shooting, Paul and I got to sit down with the director and checkout some of the footage. I glanced at Val for a second and gave her a wink before I got back to business. I made her take a nap earlier on the plane because tonight was probably going to be a late night. Her belly had a little pregnant bump sticking out at this point. She was wearing leggings and a maternity top with a leather jacket over it, and she still looked hot as fuck. She had her eyes done up in this gorgeous icy pink and it looked so fucking dope. Nobody else has a chick like this.

"Ready babe?" I nodded for Val to follow us into the elevator to continue the shoot upstairs. All one hundred and two floors of it.

There were so many important people around, but I finally got a chance to talk to Val and Hailie before I was about to shoot the scene outside.

Hailie was all smiley, "The part with you and Guillermo in the elevator is hilarious!"

"I know." Val turned to me, "This entire concept is magic! I can't wait to watch the final product."

All our breaths were taken away when we were finally at the top of the Empire State Building to see the visual effects of the lighting director lighting up the night. It wasn't announced that I was here, but a crowd was starting to form on the ground to stare at the strange display atop the skyscraper that night.

Val looked gorgeous as she licked her lips in awe and stared up in the night sky, "We're so high up." Her eyes widened when the two helicopters started coming into view as they filmed from afar.

When the moment was just right, I gave it my all as I performed on top of New York City.


Marshall looked sexy as hell in his thick gold chain and crisp white Nikes.

I had never done anything like this before. This wasn't merely shooting a music video; this was a far bigger project than that. There were so many people and so much technology surrounding us. Hailie, Evan, and I stood back for much of the time and let Marshall and the crew work their magic.

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