You Ran Me into the Ground

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Marshall POV

Valentina laid there for a long time resting in my arms. It was the same thing that happened the other night. Val got all tense and sad until she lets it spill out, then becomes exhausted from all her emotions. It was a powerful feeling to know that she felt comfortable enough around me to allow me to see her go to pieces like that. I must learn to control my own wants and desires around Val. She's been through e-fucking-nough.

I stared at her beautiful, delicate sleeping face. She was so precious to me, but through her beauty, I mainly saw strength. It isn't easy to face your demons head-on like that. I should know, I put it off for years. I still haven't dealt with all the bullshit that haunts me. I knew that this is only the tip of the iceberg for Val. She's only revealed bits and pieces of her past to me, and the woman went through that shit for years.

My eyes kept tearing up as I pulled Valentina closer. She looked like a goddess.

This is how it should be all the time. Val wouldn't have to work. She could stay home and take care of Bella while Cassaundra was at school, and I was at work. Then we'd come home, spend time together as a family, and put the kids to bed. Next, Valentina and I would go to bed together where I could feel her bare skin against mine as I bury myself balls deep in her for hours.

I felt so bad for Valentina. How could that piece of shit do that to such a beautiful woman? When I make her smile, it lights up my world. Even I know a relationship like this, whatever this feeling is growing between Valentina and me, isn't something that comes around too often. Shit, I've never felt this way about a woman before. Now that Val is mine, I'm going to cherish her. She deserves it.


I didn't fall into a deep sleep; I just rested my eyes and allowed my breathing to go back to normal. Marshall must think I'm crazy revealing all these insane stories to him. I looked so foolish. I looked like the weakest little twit there ever was.

"You aight baby?" Marshall stroked my shoulders a bit when he realized my eyes were open.

"I feel a little better now." I sat up still foggy.

"Thank you for telling me Val. Don't ever feel ashamed to talk to me about anything. I've seen a lot of fucked up shit in my day. I want you to know I only look at you with respect."

"Good, because I could talk about it for hours."

Marshall gave a little smile, "I got time baby." We settled back into the couch and there was silence for a moment. "How long were you with him Val?" He whispered against my head.

"Too long." I felt my breathing already becoming quick. "Twelve years."

"Twelve years?!"

"I met him when I was nineteen. I was very young and naïve."

"Wait, you were a still a virgin at nineteen?" Marshall seemed impressed.

"I was still a virgin at twenty." I admitted and he raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"But you're so gorgeous, you probably had guys all over you."

I shook my head in embarrassment, "Not really. I didn't look like this back then. I was extremely skinny as a teenager and awkward. I was kind of a dork. My body only became this curvy when I had kids. When Jarred asked me out, I was flattered because I was with a group of girls, and I just felt that meant that he thought I was the prettiest one there. Now I know I was just the easiest to manipulate." My voice shattered as I broke down into tears. "I'm such a fool!"

"No, you're not Val." Marshall wrapped his arms against me. "You're no fool."

"And at first, he wined and dined me, a lot like you do. He told me I was beautiful, and I believed him."

"The difference is, I would never hurt you Val. I do nice things for you because I want to, and you deserve it. Not because I'm trying to lure you in. And you are beautiful, you're drop dead fucking gorgeous."

He brought a smile to lips once again.

"Where are your parents Val?" Marshall asked against my head. "I have daughters. If anyone ever tried some shit with them, I'd fuck that motherfucker up!"

The anxiety set in once more, "My father is...a lot like Jarred. Now that I'm remembering." I took a deep breath and rubbed my sweaty hands together.

Marshall sat there silent, waiting for the painful explanation of my parents.

"The first man to ever call me a bitch was my father. The first man to ever call me a slut was my father." I removed Marshall's arms from my torso and rose from the couch as rage fumed throughout my body. "He would tell me I wasn't pretty enough; I wasn't smart enough. My entire childhood and teenage years I tried so hard to impress my father, but I never measured up."

"So that's why you fell so hard for the first motherfucker who whispered in your ear."

"Exactly." I held onto myself harder to try to stop the shaking. "I was just so desperate to be loved by anybody. I had no standards. At the time, it felt better to be with a man who hurt me than to be all alone. I know, it's pathetic."

"Nah, it makes perfect sense Val. You didn't have a chance." He reached out to stroke my arm. "So, your dad is a fucking piece of shit too."

"I haven't even spoke to my parents in over three years now. Since we moved to Detroit."

"You don't have any siblings?"

"I have a brother." I snarled as I sat down again and crossed my arms over my chest. "He's their flippin golden child."

Marshall moved in closer to comfort me, "But you know better now baby. Some people spend their entire lives in toxicity."

"I should've known! It took me four times to finally leave Jarred! This is the longest it's ever stuck." I covered my eyes in embarrassment. "And everything I've put my kids through...they should hate me for not getting it together sooner."

"Those girls adore you, Val! Ask my daughters," He sat up now enthralled in conversation. "When my kids were little, I was fucked up on drugs all the time in front of them. I wasn't a good dad for years. All this time later, I've been clean for nearly a decade now, we have an awesome relationship, and they're proud of me for it. It's gonna be the same way with you."

I thought for a moment, "Yeah, maybe."

"Trust me Val, your daughters are going to grow up admiring you for pulling them out of that bullshit. You'll see. Hmm?" He nudged me as I was deep in thought.

"I never thought of it like that." The weight of the world freed from my shoulders when Marshall told me that my girls would grow up in admiration of me. "I like when we talk like this, it brings us closer."

Marshall's eyes moved to me, and he rubbed my thigh.

"Marshall, when I met you, I never imagined I'd be spilling my guts to you like this. I have so many horrible, dark memories that I don't want to face." I looked straight in his eyes, "But I feel better about myself ever since I've met you. It feels right."

"Really?" Marshall's eyes glistened with emotion to hear me admit how strong my feelings for him had become.

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