Whatever It Takes to Raise You, I'm Prepared

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Marshall POV

My goddess. My beautiful Valentina with sweat beads running down her face gave one last primal yell into her final contraction and reached down to grab Noah from the water. I was kneeling behind her outside of the tub when I wrapped my arms around Val and our newborn son. He had a head full of dark hair and Val snuggled him into her chest as she erupted into shaking sobs of happiness. I blinked back tears for a moment but broke down as well as the swirl of emotions hit me. I buried my face into Val's hair and kissed her.

"You did it beautiful." I whispered against her head, and she turned to give me a forceful kiss. "And he looks just like me."

I reached out to stroke my new baby son's small hands for a second before Hailie grabbed onto my arm and fell into me in a wave of emotions as well. I stood to hug my daughter tight and realized she was crying as her voice trembled.

"You're so strong Val." Hailie leaned over to hug Val and gaze at her new baby brother, "You should be proud of yourself. I've never witnessed something so amazing before. And he's so cute."

"I couldn't have done it without you guys." Val held the baby against her while stroking his head.

"He's perfect." I bent down to give my wife a sincere kiss then looked in her eyes, "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too." She smiled through teary eyes.

The three of us sat there together gawking in this monumental moment taking in our new member of the family.

"Congratulations!" Lela told us through the phone, "I'm getting closer, I'm only about a minute away, but Val still has a placenta to deliver."

We followed the midwife's instructions to help Val out of the tub and wrap the baby in his swaddling blanket. Hailie went upstairs to unlock the door to await Lela's arrival and I got to dry my son off and place his first diaper on his tiny body. I wrapped Noah in the blanket, placed the little cap that Val had all picked out on his head, and scooped him up to kiss my son's soft cheek for the first time.

"It's crazy out there! I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner." Lela entered the room and slipped out of her coat and snow boots. "I hope I didn't track too much snow in your home Mr. Mathers."

"Don't even worry about it. I'm just glad you made it safely to make sure everything's ok. Val did amazing."

Lela tended to Valentina, taking her vitals and delivering the afterbirth on a plastic sheet. I took my shirt off to lay down on the other couch and opened Noah's blanket a bit so we could lay skin to skin. I kept staring at his sweet little face as I stroked his head and kissed him. I already had an indescribable love for him. Lela helped Val to take a quick shower and dress in comfy clothes before slowly returning to me to sit by the fire.

Lela and Hailie went upstairs. Hailie said she was going to put on a pot of coffee because it was now the middle of the night, and we were amid a snowstorm. There's no way Cassaundra and Bella would have school in the morning and Lela may have to stay with us for another day or two.

Val and I cuddled up with our baby son in front of the fire. I was so happy, I was shaking. The moment was surreal.

"Val," I hugged her from behind as we both looked on at the baby, "I am so proud of you. That was incredible. The way you kept your cool during the pain, you're so strong baby." My voice cracked so I stopped talking and placed my lips against her temple.

Val turned her head for a kiss then stared at me through beautiful glistening eyes, "I loved it. I loved bringing our son into the world here in our home. It was everything I knew it could be. And he's such a cutie." She smiled her gorgeous smile and placed gentle kisses on our little boy's head.

I couldn't help laughing, "Laney and Stevie are gonna be so pissed they missed the birth."

"It was lucky for me that Hailie stayed. She was a great help."

"I know, I'm glad she was here too. I wouldn't have been able to stay focused without her." I laughed again out of sheer happiness, "I love you baby. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I'm so proud that you're the mother of my child."

My wife's eyes teared up once again as we melted into a kiss.

Val nursed the baby and the three of us sat there for a long time entranced in happiness and love. This baby was the best gift I could ever receive.


I was exhilarated to have a given birth naturally in the water just as mother nature intended. It left me shaking like a leaf with a rush of adrenaline and endorphins pumping through my body. Natural birth produced a cocktail of love hormones for baby which overwhelmed me with the most euphoric feeling I've ever known when Marshall and I welcomed our son into the world. And a lot of physical pain afterwards.

Lela gave me some Tylenol and checked my vitals once more as Marshall and I sat in front of the fire wrapped up with Noah. She then scooped up the baby to weigh and measure him and look carefully at his eyes.

"Everything went wonderfully." She turned to us and smiled, "Val you're recovering nicely, little Noah here is perfectly healthy. I'll be upstairs with Hailie to give you some family time but be sure you eat something soon."

"I will, thank you so much."

"Should I go wake the girls up?" Marshall nudged my ear with his nose and kissed my temple.

"We will. Just wait a few minutes more."

Marshall held me tight as I sat in front of him with Noah in my arms and the fire crackling. I couldn't believe I was in this place. Two years ago, I was feeling totally broken just trying to take care of myself and my kids in survival mode each day. Today I could relax into the arms of a man who truly loves me with the newest little member of our family safe and warm from the storm outside.

I placed my lips on my baby's cheek giving him feathery kisses and stroking his warm cheeks repeatedly with my fingertips. I held his little hand wrap around my index finger and looked up at Marshall to tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry honey."

I wiped the salty wetness from his face when they sprung free, and he buried his head into my neck before he kissed it.

"I've never had anything like this before." He reached down to stroke Noah's head.

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

"You did beautifully Val." He got quiet and stared in my eyes, "I've never witnessed such confidence and courage in my life."

I smiled so broadly and snuggled harder into him safe and warm.

We sat there a few minutes more before we placed Noah in the bassinet and I started going crazy texting Sierra, Laney, Stevie, my aunt Rosie, even Kim! I made myself comfortable on the big comfy couch to get some shut eye while the baby slept while Marshall went upstairs for something to eat. I dozed off for a few minutes but awoke when Noah started crying to find Marshall already hovering over the bassinet and beginning to change his diaper. I didn't have a worry in the world. Marshall was going to be a wonderful father.

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