Black Magic

722 34 5

3 months later


"Sorry! Sorry I'm late!" I rushed into the restaurant and sat across from Kim. "I was packing up my stuff and lost track of time."

"Yeah, Hailie told me you do makeup professionally now." She seemed supportive and caring, way different than the last time I'd seen her in person.

"Ha, I'd hardly say that. They do fashion shows on a Sunday at the botanical gardens. Hailie knew some people and I showed them my skills. I go to school for it now. My training should be finished right before Christmas. I'll worry about the exam and my licensure in the new year."

We ordered and then Kim folded her napkin to place it on her lap, "I'm sincerely happy for you Val. I remember when I first met you. You were totally different. Scared to leave the house and shit. I hope you and Marshall find every happiness together."

"Do you?" I squinted at her trying to figure her out. "The last time we saw each other, you didn't seem very happy about it."

Kim laughed quietly, "I wasn't sober at that time Val. I'm sorry about that, I'm glad you agreed to see me today. How are the girls?"

"They're awesome. Cassaundra likes her new school, Bella just turned three."

"I heard about that too. Stevie said Bella smashed her cake into her face."

We both smiled for an awkward moment.

"So, how long have you been sober?"

"Just a little over sixty days. I know it's not much, but it's a start. Every time I get some clean time together, something happens to send me right back into the spiral. I started going to counseling again though. Meetings."

"That's good Kim. You're taking the right steps."

"I've always envied..." She paused for a moment before she admitted it, "I've always envied Marshall. He's been able to stay clean all these years. It's such an accomplishment. I, however, have always struggled. I can admit that now."

Kim went back to rehab shortly after the incident at the barbeque. At least, we were able to clear the air and remain civil. I don't know if the friendship would ever be entirely sincere, but I was willing to try as she extended the olive branch. I didn't tell Marshall that I had met his ex for brunch. He would just tell me not to trust her and try to convince me not to go.

"I'm sorry. I must run Kim. I still have a busy day ahead of me. Call up the institute, I'm taking clients now. I'll give you a facial!"

I had to run to the local show to do makeup for the models. It was just a lowkey fashion show brunch that I had been working on Sundays for the past month or so. It was good practice for whatever I chose to do with my new skill.

I rushed to the fashion show with my outfit for later that evening on a hanger in the backseat. Marshall and I were still to catch a flight that evening for LA. My boyfriend had a big surprise in store for the BET Awards!

Marshall POV

The past three months were awesome! Val and I were still as in love as ever and Cassaundra and Bella had adapted beautifully into our new routine.

It has become undeniable that Val loves makeup and skincare, probably because she wasn't allowed to wear it before because of her psycho ex. It excites her and I love seeing her in all her different looks. I told Valentina to pick out a school here in Detroit and I sent her to study to become an esthetician. Even if she never makes a career out of it, I liked seeing Val excited learning about something she loves. Hailie even hooked her up with a gig on Sundays at some fashion brunch shit.

I had sent Hailie to take Val shopping for a Dior dress last week. Tonight, was going to be an important night for me and I wanted my woman right by my side to show her off. I hadn't been to a club in years, but tonight was the BET Awards in LA. Kendrick was nominated and was throwing an afterparty in some VIP place. Val had never been to California, so I took this opportunity for her to meet more of my inner circle.

Valentina had been in my life for six months now. It was time.


"Holy shit babe! You're sexy!"

When Val came out of the bathroom, she looked like a different woman. She wore a black dress that went off the shoulder on one side and was cut high on the hip. It was so classy yet sexy as fuck! None of these hoes can fuck with my girl.

"I remember the first time I ever saw you in a dress," I walked over to her and kissed her neck as my hands roamed up her bare thighs, "It was when I invited you over to the crib for the first time. I wanted to fuck you so bad."

"He didn't let me wear dresses." She whispered in my ear, and I paused to raise my head and look in her eyes seriously. "I hadn't worn a dress in almost twelve years. That's why I wear them so often. There's something liberating about it."

I held her tight being reminded of how torturous this woman's life used to be.   

"I'm nervous Marshall. What are your friends going to think of me?"

"Don't worry Val, my friends are down to earth. They don't judge anything. I'll stay by your side the whole time." I wrapped my arm around her waist as we made our way out the door. "You're the kind of girl I wouldn't leave alone anyways. Too many other dudes would try to steal you."

When we entered the club, I felt Val tense up at the dull red lighting and palm trees surrounding us. There was a sea of people. Kendrick was the first one to spot me and came over to dap up with me and tell me that the BET cypher that aired that night was legendary. I introduced Valentina as my girl, we caught up for a minute until he spotted somebody and said he'd see us later on.

I didn't take two steps and ran into Fifty, "Yo, that cypher you did was fucking insane!" He dapped me. "This her?"

"Yeah, this is her man. Val, this is my homie Fifty. Fifty, this is my girl, Valentina."

"Valentina, I've heard so much about you." He moved in to kiss her cheek and I watched Val's reaction.

She smiled back, carrying herself with confidence.

"Really? I could say the same to you. Marshalls told me stories of working in the studio with you back in the day."

"Oh yeah? We'll have to compare notes. Although we don't remember everything clearly from back then." Fifty did his big laugh. "I'll see you around, I gotta go find Wiz. Take care Marshall, Valentina."

He dapped me up once again before disappearing into the crowd.

"As in Khalifa?" Val whispered as I walked her to a couch over by the wall to take a seat.

"Yeah, he's here too tonight."

"Holy shit, that's Drake!"

I only ever heard Val swear, like, twice for our entire relationship. Drake came over to say hello and Val was charming yet again and a bit starstruck. I was proud as fuck that my boys got to finally meet the woman who settled me down.

When we were alone once again, Val leaned over to my ear, "I've never been to something like this."

"I don't come to things like this anymore either baby. I just wanted to come tonight because I could bring you. I don't care if people know about you Val. You're mine." I kissed her right there in the middle of the club, and I didn't give a fuck who was watching.  

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