We'll Walk This Road Together

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January 17th, 2020 (one year later)

Marshall POV

I dropped my next album, MTBMB on Noah's first birthday since I absolutely adored being a father again. I spent the entire first year of his life making an album. It had been a long time since I had a baby crawling around the house, but it all came back to me like muscle memory. Val and I went through a lot of late nights with our son, colic, feedings, and going through teething, but I loved the past year of my life. I felt closer to my wife than I ever had before. Each day we spend bonds us closer together.

My son was already starting to walk. He must have strong bone structure like his old man. I was clever by dropping the new album last night with Paul while I was already on the jet to Florida. We brought everybody, the whole gang with us! Nate, Ash and their boys, all three of my daughters and their boyfriends, along with Bella and Cassaundra. We were celebrating Noah's first birthday on a vacation by the beach in Val's hometown so both sides of the family could be there. This little boy was going to have so much love in his life from so many people which is something neither Valentina nor I ever had.

I stood with the water rushing over my bare feet as I would playfully dip my son's little legs into the rising tide of the ocean, then scoop him up to kiss his neck and hear him laugh. His laugh sometimes sounded just like Valentina's, and I loved it. Noah was a mama's boy. Whenever Val was holding him or nursing him, his little fingers would entwine in her hair as he sucked his thumb because he felt safe and secure with her. It was amazing to watch her with our baby and with the girls. Val was a terrific mother, and it was an honor to witness Valentina blossom from being shy and lacking confidence into the upbeat self-assured woman she is today. Val's different, and all for the better.

"Hey!" My wife smiled to me from the top steps of the beach house then skittered down them to approach Noah and I, "My Twitter is exploding with reactions to Music to Be Murdered By! It's a mixed bag, some people love it, some...not so much." She wrapped her arms around my neck while Noah played in the sand, "But they're all just a bunch of haters because my man is brilliant."

"That happens every single fucking time." I leaned in for a kiss, "I watched No Life Shaq's reaction video though. It was funny as shit."

"Ssshhh stop swearing in front of Noah. He'll be able to talk before you know it and start repeating you. Won't you sweet boy?" Val bent over to pick up our son as he reached up for her with a smile and cooed in her arms.

Valentina was more beautiful than ever. Pregnancy changed her body; she was even more curvy and more voluptuous. I was a lucky motherfucker.

"I'm going to go put Noah down for a nap. My aunt and uncle are going to be here soon to celebrate, and I want him to be well rested."

"Ok baby." I leaned over to place a kiss on Noah's head, then on Val's lips while she scratched through my beard with her nails just how I like. I smacked her ass when she turned to leave, "Mmm, why you gotta always wear these damn sundresses?"

Val giggled as she began walking with our son in her arms back towards the house, "Mr. Mathers we have things we need to get ready, you better quit it. I still have food to prepare, and you can help the girls with the decorations."

I smirked and winked at her as she took Noah inside.

When Noah was first born, it was the middle of a treacherous winter. Valentina sat in front of the fire rocking the baby for hours just staring at him. We both did. It wasn't until the springtime that Val went back to work doing makeup. It was only two nights a week, but it got her out of the house, and I got to take care of Noah. I loved those two nights a week coming home from the studio to hang out with my son. I got to feed him dinner, and play with him to make him laugh, I was a very hands-on dad.

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