I'll Ride in This Life with You

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"Ok, you stand right here Miss Valentina, I just ask you to please not touch any of the props. Paul, we're at four minutes now."

An older woman with big earrings and a VIP lanyard around her neck directed me. I would finally be seeing Marshall perform and I could feel the electric in the air! I had never been backstage at a concert before. Everyone was so nice to me because they knew I was Marshall Mathers' special guest.

Marshall came up behind me and finished his Red Bull. The lights went black, and the crowd erupted in cheers. He pulled me close to place the most amazing kiss on my lips, my panties became wet. Marshall Mathers was my boyfriend. Eminem. And I know him in a way that no one else gets to see. Marshall is a mastermind in hip hop, but he's also sweet and caring. He's an amazing listener. I've grown so much since I've had Marshall in my life.

I was entranced for the entire show. I loved how he opened with Square Dance, and then I was suddenly taken back to my younger days when he performed White America. I recalled listening to that long ago before I had children and realizing how fucked up our country was. There was a feeling of rage inside me back in those days and I didn't even know why. Unfortunately, things hadn't changed all that much.

My favorite moment of the show was watching Marshall rap Rap God at its fastest part. I screamed so loud for him at that moment. It was sexy!

All the other females screamed too, and I was nervous about being with him after the show. There were so many other beautiful girls who loved Marshall. Was it possible that I'm really enough? I hoped he didn't get bored with me after a while. It was a lot of pressure being Marshall Mather's girlfriend. I was afraid I wasn't pretty enough, and that I usually came off as socially awkward.

The concert concluded with Lose Yourself, and Marshall came offstage all sweaty, but I didn't care one bit. He swooped his arm around me, and I nestled my head into his neck as we hurried our way to his dressing room. I sat down daintily on the couch while Marshall used a towel to wipe the sweat off his face and head.

"That entire show was for you baby. I saw you dancing and rapping along the whole time."

That had me smiling ear to ear, "I've always loved your music, Marshall! Just watching you tonight, I had so much fun. You're so talented, it really was amazing."

He took my hand to pull me up into a hug and kissed my head.

"It's so nice to have the woman I love here with me supporting me." He whispered against my temple. "I've never had that before."

Marshall got a shower and changed before we made our way out back to a black SUV that drove us from the arena to the hotel.

My phone pinged inside my pocket, "I just got a text from Kim."

"Ugh, don't talk about her tonight." Marshall leaned over to give me a kiss. "That's the last person I wanna think about right now."

Marshall POV

I was serious when I told Val I'd never had a woman there to cheer me on and support me like that before. Kim came to a couple of my shows back in the day and we always wound-up fighting, and then there was the infamous suicide attempt when she slit her wrists right after one of my shows.

The whole time I was on stage performing, I would glance over at Valentina, and she looked so cute bopping her head and knew all my lyrics. She would smile and giggle when I looked over at her and that gave me the confidence to go even harder. I loved putting my all into it for the fans, but I was performing for Val too. I knew I was making her feel special every time I looked over at her. I bet her panties were wet as fuck. I wanted Val to have a great time and be proud to call me her man.

I cuddled Valentina in the SUV all the way to the hotel, and I couldn't wait to be alone in our room together so I could just love on her all night long. There were a bunch of females outside the hotel, and I didn't even look at them. I just wanted to be with Val.

When Val and I exited the elevator on the top floor, Paul was walking toward down the hall of the luxury hotel, "Hey I'm about to leave on a flight back to New York, I need to talk to you for a minute."

"Ok," I turned to Val, "I'll be right there, babe."

"I'll have him back in a few minutes Val."

I let Val into our room before I went with Paul.

"I'm glad I get to talk to you before you disappear into your little love nest." Paul stopped in front of another room that we had rented out and we entered. "I got word on that thing you asked me about."

Paul walked further into the suite and took a seat at the dining table.

"Val initiated the divorce over the internet, and it comes in four stages. He had ninety days to sign the first initial filing and he waited till like, day eighty-seven or some shit."

"What a bitch." I muttered.

"Right, then Val gathered the paperwork and initiated the second phase to not contest assets and he did the exact same thing. He had ninety days and waits till the absolute last minute to comply."

"So, he's gonna stall until it's over." I read between the lines.

"I would think so, but I can help you out Marshall. If he agrees to meet, whether it's here, or in Florida, or in fucking Timbuktu, I can force the divorce through immediately if he just signs some forms."

"Does Val need to be there?" I hadn't even told Paul that she knows nothing about me getting involved in her shit like this.

"Well, yes, Marshall. That would be helpful. They both sign in front of me as their witness. It's really quite simple."

"I don't think she wants to be around him man."

"I understand that there may still be hurt feelings among them, but hopefully everyone can be mature enough to..."

"Nah, it's not that. It's not just "hurt feelings" dawg, he used to beat her. And like," I paused to take a breath, "he abused Val severely, and I don't know if she would go for being in the same room with him. She's scared to death of him. He broke her nose; he broke her ribs."

"That's fucking terrible!" Paul acknowledged when I shared this information with him.

"Yeah, he's a real piece of shit. She might have a panic attack or some shit at the mere sight of him."

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