2- What to write on a letter

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"Alright class, that concludes our lesson for today. Now before you run off like mice scrambling out of a cage, I have a few announcements to make." Jiang Fengmian paused.

All the excited students that were about to speed out of the room to freedom hastily sat back down.

"Now, let me confess to you all that class is still in session."

The class broke into mutters of surprise. And groans.

"Quiet! Why did you think the lesson for today went by so fast? Time never flies when you're in school," Jiang Fengmian called for order.

The class quiets down again.

"Wen Qing, come up here," Jiang Fengmian beckons the girl to the front of the class.

The girl walked up to the teacher.

Jiang Fengmian handed her a box.

"Distribute this to your classmates, everyone should have one of these and one sheet of paper," he told her.

Wei Wuxian picked up the envelope that Wen Qing dropped on his desk. "Oh boy," he said.

The envelope was pure white with a light blue border. It was simple yet exquisite.

"Class, you can probably guess what this is. All of you are going to have a pen pal for the rest of the school year."

Excited murmurs filled the classroom. Some looked eager while others looked bored.

"From where?" one student asked.

"I'm glad you asked, Yizhen. See that silver wind logo on the corner of your envelope? You will be exchanging letters with the students of Qingfeng."

The class buzzed even louder.

The students from Qingfeng! Why that school has been top of the state for years after years! The so-called best elite school around! Ah, sorry, not school, it's an academic institution.

"Oh, and we'll have a field trip to their institution by the end of the next month," Jiang Fengmian added lightly.

There was an instant uproar. Kids were already opening their letters either in excitement or reluctance.

Wei Wuxian also opened the letter. There was nothing in it.

"Hey, there's no letter in here!" he calls out.

"Of course not. You guys are chosen to write and send the first letter," Jiang Fengmian said, "now settle down, settle down class."

"We have to write a letter?" Wei Wuxian pointed at himself.

"Yes, that's right, I hope you all haven't forgotten how to write." Jiang Fengmian jokes.

Some students looked back at the teacher sheepishly.

"Well then, have fun writing. Make sure to tell a bit about yourself and ask some questions. The name of your pen pal should be on the back of the envelope."

Some kids were already scribbling on the papers.

Other kids drew and some just stared at the blank paper wondering what to write.

Wei Wuxian tapped his pen on his desk. He glanced over at Hua Cheng. Hua Cheng was scrawling on the paper, unusually preoccupied.

Then he glanced over at Luo Binghe who was carefully writing on the paper, afraid of making a mistake.

Wei Wuxian sighed dramatically. "I don't know what to write. What should I write, guys?"

No response from the two boys.


"What?" Hua Cheng snapped in irritation. He almost made a mistake on his paper.

"Why are you so interested in this? It's almost like you know whoever you're writing to," Wei Wuxian huffed.

Hua Cheng ignored him and went back to writing.

"Guys, help me! What should I ask them?"

"Ask them what their favorite color is." Hua Cheng finally answered but without glancing up.

"Bruh, that's such a boring question."

"Then ask them if their house suddenly burned down, what two things will they save."


"Okay." Wei Wuxian clicks his pen and starts scratching away.

"I'm going to ask them what their favorite food is!" Luo Binghe said.


To be continued...

Why does Hua Cheng seem so interested in this pen pal thing?

A. Because he is. Don't question him.

B. He wants new friends.

C. He's not excited. He's too busy writing a letter telling his pen pal to never ever send him a letter.

D. He knows exactly who his pen pal is.

E. He's writing a blackmail letter.

Thank you for reading!

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Word Count: 705

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